JVC AV28S2EI, AV32S2EI, AV32S2EI, AV28S2EI specifications 8VLQJ#WKH#EXWWRQV#RQ#WKH#79

Page 10

Using your TV–the basics


1Press the P B buttons to turn the TV on from standby mode

2Press the P B buttons to choose a programme number (PR) or an EXT terminal

3Press the D (volume) button and the C buttons to change the volume

1Press the D (volume) button

The volume level indicator appears

2Press the Cbuttons while the volume level indicator is on screen











Image 10
Contents AV28S2EI AV32S2EI 6SHFLILFDWLRQVDuqlqj How to replace the fuse6DIHW\#SUHFDXWLRQV DxwlrqXLGHOLQHV#IRU#VDIH#RSHUDWLRQ 6HWWLQJ#XS#\RXU#79 3XWWLQJ#EDWWHULHV#LQWR#WKH#UHPRWH#FRQWUROPress the main power button on the TV QLWLDO#VHWWLQJVIf you do not have a T-V Link compatible VCR connected To cancel the Auto Program functionIf you have a T-V Link compatible VCR connected LUHFW#5HF When Feature not Available is displayed3UH0VHW#GRZQORDG 79#DXWR#SRZHU#RQ29&5#KRRVH#D#79#FKDQQHO 8VLQJ#\RXU#79²WKH#EDVLFV7XUQ#WKH#PDLQ#SRZHU#RQ 7XUQ#WKH#79#RQ#IURP#VWDQGE\#PRGHKDQJLQJ#WKH#YROXPH DWFKLQJ#LPDJHV#IURP# HWHUQDO#HTXLSPHQW8VLQJ#WKH#EXWWRQV#RQ#WKH#79 =220#EXWWRQ 0XWLQJ#EXWWRQ1XPEHU#EXWWRQV AutoSlfwxuh KRRVH#WKH#=220#PRGH+35#6281#EXWWRQ 6WDQGE\#EXWWRQ #,QIRUPDWLRQ#EXWWRQ79#EXWWRQ RORXU#EXWWRQVDVLF#RSHUDWLRQ To leave the List mode~#7HOHWHW#FRQWURO#EXWWRQV#DQG#9&5229#VZLWFK Press and hold down the öbutton5HYHDO +ROG6XE0SDJH QGH8VLQJ#WKH#79·V#PHQXV# Follow the menus according to the function you want to use#02 3LFWXUH#VHWWLQJ3LFWXUH#DGMXVWPHQW Mode285#6670 3LFWXUH#IHDWXUHV$872#915 =6#$872#$63&7785#7,/7 6RXQG#DGMXVWPHQW 6RXQG#VHWWLQJ6752#2#,‡ 63$.5Press the ë buttons or ì buttons to choose an EXT terminal To cancel the K S-VIDEO input setting+609,2#LQSXW Press the yellow button and set the K S-VIDEO inputTo erase a name assigned to the EXT terminal EXT-1/EXT-3/EXT-4+,/#/2 #%$#7,05 7R#VHW#WKH#&+,/#/2&.#IXQFWLRQ7R#YLHZ#D#ORFNHG#79#FKDQQHO To reset the Child Lock function25#+705 Press the blue button and set the Child Lock function$1*8$ When not using the EDIT/MANUAL functionTo display the Install menu $872#352*5$0720$18$ To cancel the Move function029 To cancel the Insert function To cancel the ID function1657 $18$ To cancel the Manual function+2&´%5 Press the yellow button to delete the TV channelTo stop the demonstration When the Demo function is set to onTo display the Demo menu Ixqfwlrq 2WKHU#PHQXV8VLQJ#WKH#&25#+705,## Turn on the VCR Press the 3 buttonPress the 3 button to complete the settings 7XUQLQJ#WKH#79·V#VSHDNHUV#RIIBefore connecting anything XUWKHU#SUHSDUDWLRQ709#/,1.#FRPSDWLEOH#9&5 DpsolilhuRQQHFWLQJ#KHDGSKRQHV URQW#SDQHO 79#EXWWRQV#DQG#SDUWV5HDU#3DQHO 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ