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If a problem arises while you are using the TV, please read this troubleshooting guide carefully before you ask to have the TV repaired. You may be able to fix it easily by yourself. For example, if the mains plug is disconnected from the mains outlet, or the TV aerial has problems, you may think there is a problem with the TV itself.


This troubleshooting guide only covers problems whose causes are not easy to decide. If you have a question when you are operating a function, read the page(s) for that function carefully, not this troubleshooting guide.

If you follow the advice in this troubleshooting guide without any success, unplug the mains plug and ask for your TV to be repaired. Do not attempt to repair the TV by yourself or to remove the rear cover of the TV.


Is the mains plug connected to the mains outlet?

Is the power lamp lit? If not, press the main power button.


Have you chosen a TV channel with very poor reception? If so, the BLUE BACK function will be activated: the entire screen becomes blue, and the sound is muted. If you still want to view the TV channel, follow the description “BLUE BACK” on page 23 to try to change the BLUE BACK function setting to OFF.

Have you connected headphones to the TV?

Connecting headphones to the TV turns off the TV speakers.

Have you set the speaker function to OFF? Follow the description “SPEAKER” on page 20 to check the speaker function setting.


If noise (snow) totally block out the picture, there may be a problem with the aerial or aerial cable. Check the following to try to solve the problem:

Have the TV and aerial been connected properly?

Has the aerial cable been damaged?

Is the aerial pointing in the right direction?

Is the aerial itself faulty?

If the TV or aerial suffers interference from other equipment, stripes or noise may appear in the picture. Move any equipment sach as an amplifier, personal computer, or a hair drier, that can cause interference away from your TV. Or try moving the TV. If the aerial suffers interference from a radio tower or high-voltage wire, please contact your local dealer.

If the TV suffers interference from signals reflecting from mountains or buildings, double-pictures (ghosting) will occur. Try to change the aerial’s direction or replace it with one with better directionality.

Are your COLOUR SYSTEM settings correct? Follow the description “COLOUR SYSTEM” on page 18 to try to solve the trouble.

Have the COLOUR and BRIGHT settings been adjusted properly? Follow the description “Picture adjustment” on page 17 to try to adjust them properly.

Videotaping teletext is not recommended because it may not record correctly.

When a white and bright still image (such as a white dress) is displayed on the screen, the white part may look as if it is coloured. This is unavoidable due to the nature of the picture tube itself, and not due to a TV failure. When the picture disappears from the screen, the unnatural colours will also disappear.


Have you adjusted BASS or TREBLE properly? If not, follow the description “Sound adjustment” on page 20.

When TV channel reception is poor, it can be hard to hear stereo or bilingual sound. In this case, follow the description “STEREO / I•II” on page 20 to hear the sound more easily by changing it to a mono sound.



Have the batteries of the remote control worn out? Follow the description “Putting batteries into the remote control” on page 4 and replace them with new batteries.

Have you attempted to use the remote control from the sides or rear of the TV or from more than seven metres away from the TV ? Use the remote control in the front of your TV or from less than seven metres away.

When you are viewing a teletext programme, you cannot operate the menus. Press the 4 button to return to the ordinary TV programme, and then try operating the menus.

If the TV will not respond suddenly, press the main power button on the TV and turn off the main power. Press the main power button again to turn on the TV. If the TV returns to a normal state, it is not a failure.


When the SLEEP TIMER function operates, the TV is

automatically turned off. If the TV is turned off suddenly, try to press the = (standby) button to turn on the TV once again. If the TV goes back to normal, there is no problem.

When the TV is receiving a wide-screen signal (WSS) or a signal from an external device affecting the screen size, the ZOOM mode automatically changes. When you want to resume the previous ZOOM mode, press the ZOOM button again.

If you bring a magnetised device such as a speaker near to your TV, the picture may be warped or unnatural colors now appear at the corners of the screen. In this case, keep the device away from your TV. If speakers cause this to happen, use magnetic-shielded speakers instead.

A picture may be tilted due to the earth’s own magnetic field. If so, use the “PICTURE TILT” on page 19 to corect the tilt.

The TV may make a crackling sound due to a sudden change in temperature. The picture or sound may be nomal. If you hear crackling sounds frequently while you are viewing the TV, there may be other causes. As a precaution, ask your service technician to inspect it.

Touching the screen may cause you to feel a slight electric shock due to its static electricity. This is unavoidable due to the construction of the picture tube. It is not a problem with the TV. You can rest assured that this static discharge is not harmful.


Image 35
Contents 6SHFLILFDWLRQV AV28S2EI AV32S2EIDxwlrq How to replace the fuse6DIHW\#SUHFDXWLRQV DuqlqjXLGHOLQHV#IRU#VDIH#RSHUDWLRQ 3XWWLQJ#EDWWHULHV#LQWR#WKH#UHPRWH#FRQWURO 6HWWLQJ#XS#\RXU#79QLWLDO#VHWWLQJV Press the main power button on the TVIf you have a T-V Link compatible VCR connected To cancel the Auto Program functionIf you do not have a T-V Link compatible VCR connected 79#DXWR#SRZHU#RQ29&5# When Feature not Available is displayed3UH0VHW#GRZQORDG LUHFW#5HF7XUQ#WKH#79#RQ#IURP#VWDQGE\#PRGH 8VLQJ#\RXU#79²WKH#EDVLFV7XUQ#WKH#PDLQ#SRZHU#RQ KRRVH#D#79#FKDQQHODWFKLQJ#LPDJHV#IURP# HWHUQDO#HTXLSPHQW KDQJLQJ#WKH#YROXPH8VLQJ#WKH#EXWWRQV#RQ#WKH#79 Auto 0XWLQJ#EXWWRQ1XPEHU#EXWWRQV =220#EXWWRQ+35#6281#EXWWRQ KRRVH#WKH#=220#PRGHSlfwxuh RORXU#EXWWRQV #,QIRUPDWLRQ#EXWWRQ79#EXWWRQ 6WDQGE\#EXWWRQPress and hold down the öbutton To leave the List mode~#7HOHWHW#FRQWURO#EXWWRQV#DQG#9&5229#VZLWFK DVLF#RSHUDWLRQQGH +ROG6XE0SDJH 5HYHDOFollow the menus according to the function you want to use 8VLQJ#WKH#79·V#PHQXV#Mode 3LFWXUH#VHWWLQJ3LFWXUH#DGMXVWPHQW #02=6#$872#$63&7 3LFWXUH#IHDWXUHV$872#915 285#6670785#7,/7 63$.5 6RXQG#VHWWLQJ6752#2#,‡ 6RXQG#DGMXVWPHQWPress the yellow button and set the K S-VIDEO input To cancel the K S-VIDEO input setting+609,2#LQSXW Press the ë buttons or ì buttons to choose an EXT terminalEXT-1/EXT-3/EXT-4 To erase a name assigned to the EXT terminal7R#VHW#WKH#&+,/#/2&.#IXQFWLRQ #%$#7,05 +,/#/2Press the blue button and set the Child Lock function To reset the Child Lock function25#+705 7R#YLHZ#D#ORFNHG#79#FKDQQHO$872#352*5$0 When not using the EDIT/MANUAL functionTo display the Install menu $1*8$029 To cancel the Move function720$18$ 1657 To cancel the ID functionTo cancel the Insert function Press the yellow button to delete the TV channel To cancel the Manual function+2&´%5 $18$To display the Demo menu When the Demo function is set to onTo stop the demonstration Turn on the VCR Press the 3 button 2WKHU#PHQXV8VLQJ#WKH#&25#+705,## Ixqfwlrq7XUQLQJ#WKH#79·V#VSHDNHUV#RII Press the 3 button to complete the settingsXUWKHU#SUHSDUDWLRQ Before connecting anythingRQQHFWLQJ#KHDGSKRQHV Dpsolilhu709#/,1.#FRPSDWLEOH#9&5 5HDU#3DQHO 79#EXWWRQV#DQG#SDUWVURQW#SDQHO 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ