JVC AV32S2EI, AV28S2EI specifications Kdqjlqj#Wkh#Yroxph, Dwfklqj#Lpdjhv#Iurp# Hwhuqdo#Htxlsphqw

Page 9

Using your TV–the basics

2Press the ìand ëbuttons to choose a programme number (PR). Then press the 3 button.

For Programme numbers (PR) where you have the CHILD LOCK function set, the @(CHILD LOCK) mark appears next to the programme number (PR) in the PR LIST.

You cannot use the ë buttons to choose a Programme number (PR) which has the CHILD LOCK set.

Even if you try to choose a programme number (PR) with the CHILD LOCK set, the @(CHILD LOCK) mark will appear, and you cannot watch the TV channel. To watch the TV channel, see “CHILD LOCK” on page 23.

If the picture is tilted, correct it. See “PICTURE TILT” on page 19.


Press the ì buttons to change the volume.

The volume indicator appears, and the volume changes, as you press the C buttons.



Choose the EXT terminal that the external equipment has been connected to.

Use the Abutton:

Press the Abutton to choose an EXT terminal. Pressing the Abutton changes the choice as follows:

TV mode

EXT modes







PR 1 to PR 99






Use the ë buttons:

Press the ë buttons to choose an EXT terminal

Use the PR LIST:

1Press the 9(information) button to display the PR LIST

2Press the ì and ë buttons to choose an EXT terminal. Then press the 3button

The EXT terminals are listed after programme number PR 99.

You can choose two types of video input signal:

S-VIDEO (Y/C signal) and regular video (composite signal). For details, see K(S-VIDEO input)” on page 21.

If you do not have a clear picture or no colour appears, change the colour system manually. See “COLOUR SYSTEM” on page 18.

If you choose an EXT terminal with no input signal, the EXT terminal number becomes fixed on the screen.

This TV set can automatically change over the input according to a special signal from an external device. (The EXT-4 terminal does not support it.)

To use the programme number PR 0 (AV):

When the TV and VCR are connected only by the aerial cable, choosing the programme number PR 0 (AV) allows you to view images from the VCR. Set the VCR RF channel to programme number PR 0 (AV) manually. For details, see “EDIT/MANUAL” on page 26.

Pressing the Abutton changes the choice as follows:

TV mode

EXT modes


PR 0







PR 1 to PR 99








The VCR sends its playback image along the aerial cable as an RF (radio frequency) signal.

Also see your VCR instruction manual.

To return to a TV channel:

Press the 4button, the ë buttons or the number buttons.


Image 9
Contents 6SHFLILFDWLRQV AV28S2EI AV32S2EI6DIHW\#SUHFDXWLRQV How to replace the fuseDuqlqj DxwlrqXLGHOLQHV#IRU#VDIH#RSHUDWLRQ 3XWWLQJ#EDWWHULHV#LQWR#WKH#UHPRWH#FRQWURO 6HWWLQJ#XS#\RXU#79QLWLDO#VHWWLQJV Press the main power button on the TVTo cancel the Auto Program function If you do not have a T-V Link compatible VCR connectedIf you have a T-V Link compatible VCR connected 3UH0VHW#GRZQORDG When Feature not Available is displayedLUHFW#5HF 79#DXWR#SRZHU#RQ29&5#7XUQ#WKH#PDLQ#SRZHU#RQ 8VLQJ#\RXU#79²WKH#EDVLFVKRRVH#D#79#FKDQQHO 7XUQ#WKH#79#RQ#IURP#VWDQGE\#PRGHDWFKLQJ#LPDJHV#IURP# HWHUQDO#HTXLSPHQW KDQJLQJ#WKH#YROXPH8VLQJ#WKH#EXWWRQV#RQ#WKH#79 1XPEHU#EXWWRQV 0XWLQJ#EXWWRQ=220#EXWWRQ AutoKRRVH#WKH#=220#PRGH Slfwxuh+35#6281#EXWWRQ 79#EXWWRQ #,QIRUPDWLRQ#EXWWRQ6WDQGE\#EXWWRQ RORXU#EXWWRQV~#7HOHWHW#FRQWURO#EXWWRQV#DQG#9&5229#VZLWFK To leave the List modeDVLF#RSHUDWLRQ Press and hold down the öbutton6XE0SDJH +ROG5HYHDO QGHFollow the menus according to the function you want to use 8VLQJ#WKH#79·V#PHQXV#3LFWXUH#DGMXVWPHQW 3LFWXUH#VHWWLQJ#02 Mode$872#915 3LFWXUH#IHDWXUHV285#6670 =6#$872#$63&7785#7,/7 6752#2#,‡ 6RXQG#VHWWLQJ6RXQG#DGMXVWPHQW 63$.5+609,2#LQSXW To cancel the K S-VIDEO input settingPress the ë buttons or ì buttons to choose an EXT terminal Press the yellow button and set the K S-VIDEO inputEXT-1/EXT-3/EXT-4 To erase a name assigned to the EXT terminal#7,05 #%$+,/#/2 7R#VHW#WKH#&+,/#/2&.#IXQFWLRQ25#+705 To reset the Child Lock function7R#YLHZ#D#ORFNHG#79#FKDQQHO Press the blue button and set the Child Lock functionTo display the Install menu When not using the EDIT/MANUAL function$1*8$ $872#352*5$0To cancel the Move function 720$18$029 To cancel the ID function To cancel the Insert function1657 +2&´%5 To cancel the Manual function$18$ Press the yellow button to delete the TV channelWhen the Demo function is set to on To stop the demonstrationTo display the Demo menu 8VLQJ#WKH#&25#+705,## 2WKHU#PHQXVIxqfwlrq Turn on the VCR Press the 3 button7XUQLQJ#WKH#79·V#VSHDNHUV#RII Press the 3 button to complete the settingsXUWKHU#SUHSDUDWLRQ Before connecting anythingDpsolilhu 709#/,1.#FRPSDWLEOH#9&5RQQHFWLQJ#KHDGSKRQHV 79#EXWWRQV#DQG#SDUWV URQW#SDQHO5HDU#3DQHO 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ