JVC AV-29ED5BN, AV-29ED5SN manual Feature Menu, Autostore Menu Sleep timer, Child lock

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Autostore Menu:



Sleep timer:


The AUTOSTORE function automatically programmes the re-

The sleep timer is used to turn the TV off after a defined peri-

ceived channels in your TV's programme numbers.

od. Press “ ” or “ ” button to choose a priod of time after se-

Before use this function, please confirm that the “LAN-

lecting this item. The timer can be programmed between Off

GUAGE” and “COUNTRY” setting are correct.

and 120 minutes in steps of 10 minutes. One minute before

1. Press “

“ or “

” button to select “AUTOSTORE”

the "Sleep timer" function turns the TV off, the remaining

time will be displayed.













2. Press “ ” or “ ”:button$51,1*to￿￿enter the AUTOSTORE menu.







after selecting this item.








Child lock:




You can disable the control panel buttons (except the POW-



ER button) with this item.






Press “

” or “ ” button to change the setting to ON or OFF

• A warning message “All prestored programmes will be

When you set this item to ON, the TV can be operated only

erased!” appears in a message box.


by using the remote control handset.


3. Press “ ” button to start the AUTOSTORE function.




• To cancel

$the$8726725(8726725(AUTOSTORE function, press the “PIC-

operatedWarning:byIf VCR.Child Lock item is set to ON, the TV can not be

TURE” button::￿￿￿￿￿￿￿15￿3636$$.,7￿￿,7￿￿6WDWLRQ6WDWLRQ,￿,￿￿￿5811,1*5811,1*￿￿￿￿￿￿&KDQQHOKDQQHO￿￿￿￿3/(3/(￿￿￿￿￿￿$$1DPH1DPH6(6(





Setting External Source Output:





• You can use this menu to select the internal or external




source that will be output at EXT.2 (EXT-2) terminal.





• In the “FEATURE” menu select “EXT-2 Output” using “




or “

” button. Then select the source you want to be out-




put at EXT-2 pressing “ ” or “ ” button (one of the sources:




TV, EXT-1 or EXT-3 (Front AV).





Blue Background During No-Signal:






The Blue Back feature can be set by “ ” or “ ” button to ei-


ther On or Off.


4.After the AUTOSTORE is finalized, the PROGRAM menu appears.

Please see “Program Menu” on above section.

Feature Menu

Press “MENU” button, now you are in main menu. In the main menu, select FEATURE, using ““ or “” button. Then enter the feature menu pressing “” or “” button.

ENGLISH - 27 -

Image 12
Contents AV-29ED5BN AV-29ED5SN Contents Safety PrecautionsRemote Control Buttons Risk of Electric ShockControl Panel Buttons Antenna Connections Switching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVInitial Settings PreparationTo use T-V Link functions Downloading data to VCROperating with Remote Control Menu SystemOperating with the onset buttons Picture MenuRecalling Factory settings To change sound settingsSetting Volume Sound Menu Install Installation Menu DQG Using the Decoder EXT-2 function Program MenuFeature Menu Autostore Menu Sleep timerSetting External Source Output Blue Background During No-SignalOther Features TeletextTo Select Index Searching for a teletext page while watching TVTo Select Double Height Text To Reveal concealed InformationConnect the External Equipments Before connecting anything Specifications Tips