•Always plug the AC adapter into the recorder before you plug it into the AC outlet. Always unplug the AC adapter from the outlet before you unplug it from the recorder.
into the VCP’s DC IN 12V jack, and plug the other into the TV’s DC
Using Vehicle Battery Power
The supplied DC adapter lets you power your VCP and a portable TV (not sup- plied) from your vehicle’s cigarette lighter socket.
•The TV you use must have a DC 12- volt jack (with the center tip set to positive) that accepts the adapter’s plug (5.5 x 2.1 mm (depth/diame- ter)).
•Always plug the DC adapter into the VCP and TV before you plug it into the cigarette lighter socket. Always unplug the DC adapter from the cig- arette lighter socket before you unplug it from the VCP and TV.
•The VCP continues to draw a small amount of current from the vehicle’s battery even after you turn it off, so be sure to disconnect the DC adapter from the cigarette lighter socket when you are not using the VCP and TV, to prevent your vehi- cle’s battery from being drained.
The DC power cord has two barrel plugs on one end and a
Caution: Before plugging the power cord’s
Your VCP’s dew protection system helps prevent damage caused by moisture that can form on the VCP’s tape heads, such as when you move the VCP from a cold area to a warm one. When the system senses moisture on the tape head(s), DEW turns on and the VCP does not let you play a tape.