Owner's Record
The modeland serinlnumbers arclocated at tile rear ol theTV. Record
lhese numbers in the spaces pro_ided below. Relcr 1olhem whene_er you call uponyour Sony de_,lerregarding lhis product.
Model No.
Serial No.
Please contact Sony directly if you:
•Have questions on the use of your television after reading your manual
•Experience difficulty operating your television
Contact Sony Customer Support at:
http://www.sony.com/tvsu pport
or to speak with a support representative:
United States |
| Canada | |
| |||
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM (EST) | Mon - Fd | 6:06 | AM - 6:00 PM (Eastern) |
10:30 AM - 7:15 PM (EST) | Sat - Sun | 6:06 | AM - 5:00 PM (Western) |
Sony will work to resolve your questions more quickly than your retailer or place of purchase.
Please Do Not Return the Product to the Store