A. Satellite Name
By pressing button, you can see the listed satellite names .
Then,using or
buttons, you will find Frequency, Symbol Rate and Polarization information of each satellite.
B. Frequency
By pressing button, you can see the all frequencies of transponders of a satellite, and also you can select a frequency. Or, just pressing
buttons, you can select and view a frequency one by one.
C. Symbol Rate
You can see the symbol rate of specified satellite on the right side of the menu.
D. Polarization
You can select the polarization from H o r i z o n t a l and V e r t i c a l modes.
E. Sat Name Edit
You can change the name of the satellite name by this menu.
Press button to display a keyboard. There are several items such as O t h e r,
S av e and Space in the keyboard.
By selecting Other item, you can see a new alphabet character sets.
The Space item a space between two characters. And the Save item is used to
confirm the new name of the satellite.
Notes: You can move the cursor in the satellite name row by or
and column by