12.Its best to turn ON the mic before plugging it in to the Recorder. The switch is on the Mic body ON. When the NT4 is switched ON, the red battery status light should illuminate for about 1 second and turn off. If the L.E.D. remains illuminated significantly longer, the battery should be replaced. Life expectancy for a high quality alkaline battery is in excess of 400 hours. If left ON, the battery power will be unnecessarily depleted.
13.Attach the XLR end of the
Headphone OUT
14.Set/Check Mic Sensitivity (Low or HI) Press and hold the Navi/Menu button for 2 seconds until the menu window activates. Use Jog Wheel to navigate to "Rec Set" and then "Mic Sens." Select "High" if you are recording ambience or "Low" if you are recording close voice or loud sound effects.
15.Set in Manual Record Level Mode Unfortunately, one cannot go directly into Manual Record Mode; you must go into Auto Gain mode, place it in pause and then use the menu to change to Manual Record level. Push the RED REC button down and slide the button to the right to put the recorder in instant record mode (auto gain). Press on the PAUSE BUTTON. Press and hold the Navi/Menu button for 2 seconds until the menu window activates. Rotate jog wheel until "REC Set" is blinking. Select “REC Volume,” and then “Manual.” You can now adjust Record Level manually with the Jog Wheel. Set the record level gain so the normal volume "peaks" cause about 1/2 of the segments to come on (turn black). Notice that the over- modulation segment occurs right under the “0” of “30.”