CHAPTER 3: Installing the Writing Software
After installing the USB drivers, your Freecom
Toinstalltherecordingsoftware,inserttheFXManualandInstallationCD,select the INSTALL SOFTWARE option and in the next menu select ROXIO EASY CD CREATOR.
Note: If you wish to use other software, please find out from the supplier whether his products support the Freecom
3.1 Installation of Recording software for MacOS
To record CDs or DVDs, the included Roxio Toast software should be installed. The Toast installer is on the
InsertandopenthisCD.Select theROXIOTOASToptionanddoubbleclickonthe installer icon and follow the instructions on screen.
3.2 Special Instructions before Writing a CD or DVD
•You should realize that writing optical disks is principally a compact data transmission procedure which can be disrupted by even the smallest me- chanical disturbance.
•Never clean the
•RecordableCDs/DVDs(blanks)aremoresensitivethancommerciallyavailable CD or DVDs. Use only a
•Do not stick any conventional labels on the DVD- or
•The drive recognizes the medium as soon as it is placed into the drive.
Recommendation: For optimal results, use Freecom blank CD's, available via your local reseller or at www.freecom.com.