Initial Operation - Brief Description
CHAPTER 1: Initial Operation - Brief Description
1.Plug in the connection cable to the
2.Connectthepowercablesuppliedtothedesignatedpowerconnectoronthe Freecom drive.
3.Plug the power supply of the Freecom drive into the power outlet.
4.Connect the other end of the connection cable to the USB port/FireWire port on the PC.
5.To complete the rest of the installation procedure:
(only Windows 98:)
(only MacOS 9.x:) Please install the Toast software, before connecting the
Under Windows ME / 2000 / XP and MacOS X a separate Freecom driver is not required. The drivers for Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP will be installed automatically by the operating system after plugging in the Freecom
(USB/FireWire version)