USB Instant DVD Installation Guide
Getting Started
The basic steps are:
1.Check USB Instant DVD package contents
2.Wire it Up!- audio and video connectors
3.Plug it In!- Power and USB connection Install Device Drivers & Application
4.Optimize System For Best Performance
5.Verify Hardware Installation
6.Set Windows Audio Mixer
7.Installation Summary & Diagram
Optimize System For Best Performance
8.Start Making DVD Movies!
1.Check USB Instant DVD Contents
(A)USB Instant DVD device
(B)5 VDC Power supply
(C)6 ft. USB Cable
(D)6 ft. A/V In cable (RCA video and Audio to RCA video and 3.5 mm stereo)
(E)6 ft. 3.5 mm male to 3.5 mm male stereo audio cable
(F)9 ft. Audio out to TV/VCR cable (3.5 mm stereo w/female 3.5mm Y to R+L RCA audio)
(G)9 ft. RCA Video cable
System Requirements
-Intel Celeron 500 MHz or AMD Athlon 600 MHZ or better
-Windows 98, Win98SE, WinME, Win2000 or WinXP
-128 MB recommended
-Full duplex sound card
-16 MB AGP video card
-150 MB hard disk space for capture/editing applications
-Disk space for video captures; Video captured at
4 Mb/sec will use 1.8 GB per hour
-CD Recordable Drive & software required for saving movie files onto a CD
-DVD Recordable Drive & software required for recording DVD movies.
Instant DVD CD containing:
-Capture Wizard Capture & Export utility
-USB Instant DVD device drivers
-Ulead VideoStudio 6 – Special full version customized for Instant DVD
-Sonic MyDVD 3.5
-Cyberlink PowerDVD 4.0
-Neptune MediaShare 3.0
-Ulead DVD PictureShow
-Quick Time player
CapWiz manual.p65 | 9 | 6/4/2002, 12:21 PM |