Peerless Industries SAL770 manual Uyari

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SLK • Pri inštalácii nástenného držiaka Peerless na betónovú stenu musí mať táto stena hrúbku minimálne 20 cm a minimálnu pevnosť v tlaku 2000 psi (13,8 tisíc kPa).

• Pri inštalácii nástenného držiaka Peerless na stenu zo škvarových tvárnic musia tieto tvárnice spĺňať

špecifikácie ASTM C-90 a musia mať minimálnu nominálnu šírku 20 cm (8 palcov). Nevŕtajte do škár vyplnených maltou! Vždy musíte montovať do pevnej časti tvárnice, všeobecne najmenej 25 mm (1 palec) od okraja tvárnice. Odporúča sa na vŕtanie otvorov použiť bežnú elektrickú vŕtačku nastavenú na pomalé otáčky, nie vŕtacie kladivo, predídete tak vylomeniu zadnej časti otvoru pri vstupe do prázdneho priestoru alebo dutiny.

Nikdy nepridávajte hmoždinky do betónu alebo do tvárnic zo škvary pokrytých omietkou, sadrokartónom či iným povrchovým materiálom.


TÜR • Peerless duvar montaj parçalarını beton duvara takarken, duvar kalınlığı en az 8 inç (20 cm) ve en az sıkıştırma kuvveti 2000 psi olmalıdır.

Peerless duvar montaj parçalarını duvara takarken, briketler ASTM C-90 özelliklerine uygun ve en az nominal genişlik 8 inç (20 cm) olmalıdır. Harç ek yerlerine delik delmeyin! Briketin dolu kısmına monte edin, briketin yanından genellikle 1" inç (25 mm) mesafede olmalıdır. Deliği delmek için, bir boşluk ya da oyuğa girerken deliğin arkasını kırmamak için, darbeli matkap yerine düşük ayarlı standart bir elektrikli matkap kullanılması tavsiye edilir.

Genişleme tutturma demirlerini asla alçı, alçıpan veya diğer bitirme malzemesi ile kaplı beton veya briket üzerine takmayın.


DEU • Werden Peerless-Wandhalter an einer Betonwand angebracht, so muss deren Dicke mindestens 20 cm (8 Zoll) und ihre Druckfestigkeit mindestens 13,8 N/mm2 (2000 psi) betragen.

Bei der Anbringung von Peerless-Wandhaltern an einer Porenbetonsteinwand müssen die Porenbetonsteine den Spezifikationen der ASTM C-90 entsprechen und eine Mindestnennbreite von 20,3 cm (8 Zoll) aufweisen. Bohren Sie nicht in Mörtelfugen! Achten Sie darauf, dass die Anbringung an einem massiven Teil des Blocks erfolgt, im Allgemeinen mindestens 25 mm (1 Zoll) von der Blockseite entfernt. Wir empfehlen, zum Bohren des Lochs anstelle eines Schlagbohrers einen standardmäßigen Elektrobohrer bei niedriger Einstellung zu verwenden, um zu verhindern, dass die Bohrungsrückseite beim Eintritt in einen Leer- oder Hohlraum ausbricht.

Spreizdübel dürfen auf keinen Fall an Beton oder Porenbetonstein befestigt werden, die mit Verputz, Trockenwandmaterial oder anderem Deckschichtmaterial bedeckt sind.


ITA • In sede di installazione dei supporti per parete Peerless su una parete in calcestruzzo, la parete deve avere uno spessore minimo di 20 cm, con una resistenza alla compressione minima di 2000 psi.

In sede di installazione dei supporti per parete Peerless su una parete a mattoni di cemento, il mattone di cemento deve soddisfare le specifiche ASTM C-90 ed avere una larghezza nominale minima di 20 cm. Non perforare nei giunti di malta! Accertarsi di montare in una parte solida del mattone, in genere al almeno 25 mm dal lato del mattone. Per perforare, al fine di evitare di sfondare in una cavità o in uno spazio vuoto, invece di usare un martello perforatore si suggerisce di usare un trapano elettrico standard regolato su velocità lenta.

Non attaccare mai ancoraggi di espansione al calcestruzzo o a mattoni di cemento coperti con intonaco, cartongesso o altro materiale di finitura.


POR • Quando instalar os suportes de parede Peerless numa parede de betão, a parede tem de ter uma espessura mínima 8", com uma força mínima comprimida de 2000 psi.

Quando instalar suportes de parede Peerless numa parede de cimento, os blocos de cimento devem cumprir as especificações ASTM C-90 e ter uma largura mínima nominal de 8". Não perfurar em traves de betão! Certifique-se de que monta numa parte sólida, em geral, com um mínimo de 1" (25 mm) de cada lado do bloco. Sugere-se a utilização de uma broca padrão em velocidade lenta para perfurar o furo em vez de um martelo elétrico para evitar quebrar o fundo do furo ao atingir um espaço ou cavidade ocos.

Nunca afixar âncoras de expansão a blocos de betão ou cimento cobertos coem estuque ou outro material de acabamento.


2012-11-20 #:203-9213-9 (2014-01-10)

Image 12
Contents SAL770 Advertencia AdvertissimentWaarschuwing VýstrahaAchtung AvvertenzaAviso Vesa strip Wall mount +1/2 1b1a-3 Advertissement Beton/Brikete2a-1 2a-22a-3 2a-42a-5 2a-6 2a-7 Advertencia Uyari 2b-1 2b-22b1b-3 2b1b-42b-5 2b-6 2b-7 3a-1 3b-1 3a-1 3a-2B1=VESA 400 X 3b-23b-3 3b-4+/-5 Limited FIVE-YEAR Warranty Garantía Limitada DE Cinco AñosGarantie Limitée DE Cinq ANS Beschränkten Fünfjährigen Garantie Beperkte Garantie VAN 5 JaarGaranzia Quinquennale Limitata Omezená Pětiletá Záruka Obmedzená Päťročná ZárukaGarantia Limitada DE Cinco Anos BEŞ Yillik Sinirli Garantİ Design Patent Pending

SAL770 specifications

The Peerless Industries SAL770 is a versatile and innovative mounting solution designed to enhance the performance of display technology in various environments. With its robust features and user-friendly design, the SAL770 stands out in the realm of audiovisual equipment.

One of the primary features of the SAL770 is its full-motion capability, allowing users to adjust the position of their screens easily. This flexibility enables viewing from multiple angles, making it ideal for both commercial and residential settings. The SAL770 supports a wide range of screen sizes, accommodating devices from 32 inches to 70 inches, ensuring compatibility with a variety of displays.

The mount’s advanced adjustment features include tilt, swivel, and extension options. The tilt function allows for a -5 to +15 degree range, reducing glare and helping to achieve the optimal viewing angle. With swivel capabilities, users can rotate their screens up to 90 degrees, providing further customization for different viewing scenarios. The extension feature allows the display to be pulled away from the wall and pushed back, making it easy to access the connections at the back of the screen.

Another notable characteristic of the SAL770 is its sturdy construction. Built with high-quality materials, it supports a substantial weight capacity, ensuring stability and safety for mounted displays. This robustness is critical especially in high-traffic areas where bumps and movements are possible.

Peerless Industries also incorporates innovative technologies into the SAL770 design. The mount features an integrated cable management system, which helps to keep cables organized and out of sight, promoting a clean and professional appearance. Additionally, the mount is equipped with a quick-release mechanism that simplifies installation and maintenance.

Installation is made easier with clear instructions and a versatile wall plate that accommodates various mounting configurations. The SAL770 is compatible with VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) mounting patterns, which adds to its versatility and ease of use.

In summary, the Peerless Industries SAL770 is a user-friendly and robust mounting solution that offers full-motion capabilities, sturdy construction, and innovative features such as cable management and quick-release functionality. Whether used in a business setting for presentations or in a home theater for entertainment, the SAL770 is designed to provide optimal viewing experiences while maintaining a seamless installation process. Its blend of technology, functionality, and durability makes it a popular choice among users looking for effective display mounts.