Selecting a Chapter
To select a chapter, first press the Status Button Q so that the Status Display appears. Next, press the › Navigation Button Dso that the Current Chapter Number ƒ is highlighted and dashes appear. Use the Numeric Keys Rto enter the desired chapter and press the Enter Button Ito begin playing the new chapter.
To select a specific chapter on a DVD at any time dur- ing playback, simply press the number corresponding to the chapter you wish to view using the Numeric Keys R. You may also move one by one through the chapters at any time by pressing the Skip Reverse (Previous)/Skip Forward (Next) Buttons 56AO.
Selecting the Audio Track
Many DVDs contain more than one audio track. On many discs, you will find multiple languages, while others will offer a choice of different audio formats or mixes (e.g., Dolby Digital or DTS), while some will also contain commentary from the director or stars or Descriptive Video Service content. The default audio language is set in the AUDIO SETUP menu as shown on page 19.
To change the audio track, press the Audio Select Button 2to display the Audio banner and show the current audio track configuration. Each press of either the Audio Select Button 2or the Enter Button s will change the current audio track. When your desired selection appears, press the ‹› Navigation Buttons Dso that DONE is highlighted, and then press the Enter Button Ito remove the banner display and return to normal playback.
•Not all discs contain multiple audio track choices. Check the information on back of the disc jacket to see what audio languages or format options are available.
•Some DVDs do not allow direct selection of the audio track during playback. For these discs, you must change the audio track using the disc’s menu system. Press the Disc Menu Button Pto display the disc’s menu and then use the ⁄¤ ‹› Navigation Buttons Dto make your selection following the navigation scheme of the individual disc.
•When you change the audio track or language with the Audio Select Button 2on the remote con- trol as shown above, you only override the audio language setting established in the Audio Setup menu for the disc currently being played. The unit will revert to its default setting with the next disc.
Selecting or Changing the Subtitle
Many DVDs contain one or more subtitle languages. The default subtitle language is set in the System Setup menu, as described on page 18, but you may also turn the subtitles on or off, or change the language at any time during a disc’s playback.
To change the subtitle language or turn the subtitles on or off, press the Subtitle Button Tto display the Subtitle banner and show the current configuration. Each press of either the Subtitle Button Tor the Enter Button Iwill change the current subtitle lan- guage, or turn subtitling off. When your desired selec- tion appears, press the ‹› Navigation Buttons Duntil DONE is highlighted and then press the Enter Button Ito remove the banner display and return to normal playback.
NOTE: Due to the variations in how DVD discs are authored, subtitle languages displayed by the DVD 27 may not accurately reflect the actual languages avail- able on the disc. It is recommended that subtitles be selected using the disc’s menu.
Selecting an Angle
An increasing number of DVDs contain
When multiple angle views are available as shown by any of the available icons or indications, press the Angle Button Cto change the view. An information box will appear on your video screen to show you which angle view is playing and how many are avail- able. Each press of either the Angle Button Cor the Enter Button Iwill change the current camera angle. When your desired selection appears, press the ‹› Navigation Buttons Dso that DONE is highlighted; then press the Enter Button Ito remove the
If you press the Angle Button Cduring a section where multiple view are not available, the Angle banner will simply indicate that view 1 of 1 is being displayed.
Repeat Play
The DVD 27 offers several repeat functions that allow you to take advantage of the capacity of the unit for unattended playback:
•Repeat 1 Chapter: Repeats the DVD chapter currently being played until the disc is manually stopped; in the
•Repeat Title: For DVD discs only, this mode repeats the title currently being played until the disc is man- ually stopped; in the
To select any Repeat mode (other than Repeat A-B):
While a disc is playing, press the Repeat Button 5 on the remote. The Repeat icon will appear on screen, indicating the new repeat mode. Each press of the Repeat Button 5will cycle through the available repeat modes. To end Repeat play, continue pressing the Repeat Button 5until the Off mode is selected.
A-B Repeat Play
The Repeat
To initiate a Repeat
1.Press the
2.Press the
3.Press the
Video Off Feature
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is strongly recommended that plasma video display owners use the Video Off feature to avoid
To turn the video displays off while a CD is playing, simply press the Video Off Button F. Press the button again to restore the video output. The