Menu Operations
Basic operation statement:
¾Mark “Setup” and press [Volume Up/Down] to select the level (speed).
¾Mark “Start” and press [OK] to start the game.
¾Mark “Cancel” and press [OK] to leave the game.
¾Play the game:
♦Press [Volume Up/Down] to move the block left or right
♦Press [Channel Up] to rotate the block clockwise
♦Press [Channel Down] to drop the block faster
♦Press [OK] to Pause/Play the game
♦Press [MENU] to leave the game and return to the game menu.
¾Mark “Setup” and press [Volume Up/Down] to select the level(speed).
¾Mark “Start” and press [OK] to start the game.
¾Mark “Cancel” and press [OK] to leave the game.
¾Play the game:
♦Press [Volume Up/Down / Channel Up/Down] to guide
the snake to the red blocks. Every block you ate increases the length of the snake. If the snake runs against a wall or against itself then it dies.
♦Press [OK] to Pause/Play the game
♦Press [MENU] to quit the game and return to the game menu.
¾Mark “Setup” and press [Volume Up/Down] to select the game level(degree of difficulty).
¾Mark “Start” and press [OK] to start the game.
¾Mark “Cancel” and press [OK] to leave the game.
¾Play the game: