Remote Control Problems
Problems with the remote control
4Check that nothing is between the remote control and the remote sensor.
4Make sure the remote control is in DIRECTV mode. Slide the MODE switch on the remote to the DIRECTV position so the remote will control the DIRECTV HD Receiver.
4Check the batteries in the remote control. They may be weak, dead or installed incorrectly. Try replacing batteries.
4If you’re entering a channel number that is less than four digits long, the receiver might wait two seconds before tuning to the channel. Press ENTER after entering a channel number to tune immediately.
4If you are trying to operate a device other than the DIRECTV HD Receiver that you have programmed the remote to control, make sure you fi rst slide the MODE switch to the mode that is programmed for that device (AV1 or AV2). The indicator light for the component you’re trying to control should light up when you press a valid key for that component. If it doesn’t, make sure the MODE switch is in the correct position.
A remote control indicator light starts flashing.
The batteries in the remote control are running low and should be replaced soon. You may also see an onscreen message that
the batteries are low. Note that when you replace the batteries, you should not have to reprogram your remote to control
other devices unless the batteries have been completely dead for a month or more.
With proper care and fresh batteries, the only problem you should have with the remote is remembering where you left it.