Current Date & Time
Program Info
Current Favorites
Audio Options
Parental Controls
The Channel Banner
Any time you tune to a channel, the Channel Banner appears across the top of the screen, displaying info on the channel and show you are currently watching:
1)Current date & time
2)DIRECTV Channel – Channel logo, number and call letters of the station you’re currently viewing.
3)Program Info – Program title, stop and start time and rating of the current program.
4)Current Favorites – Favorite Channels list currently in use.
5)Audio options – A “fi lled in” icon indicates alternate audio options are available. A “hollow” icon, no alternate audio options are available.
6)Messages – A “fi lled in” icon indicates new DIRECTV messages in Caller ID & Messages. A “hollow” icon, there are no new or unread messages.
7)Parental Controls – Parental Controls lock status. Three icons: Locked (“fi
To see program details at any time press INFO on your remote (press a second time to clear). Select More Info button to see additional options.
Music Channels
Your DIRECTV service includes dozens of enjoyable, continuous,
description (for example, “Alternative,” “Today’s Country”). As each song is played, its info will appear in the banner, 13 including song title, artist and record company..