Step 5: Accessing LinkStation Data from a PC
Accessing LinkStation data is performed using the following steps:
Press the ‘Start’ menu, select the ‘Run...’ option. When the ‘Run’ dialog appears, please type \\LinkStation_Name (where LinkStation_Name is the ‘LinkStation Name’ set on Page 6). Press ‘OK’ to continue.
LinkStation’s ‘Root Directory’ will appear. You will see all of the confi gured shares. All users can read and write to all folders. To setup security and password protection, please refer to the User Manual on the LinkNavigator
for LinkStation, see the next step for more information. LinkStation can be accessed by multiple computers simultaneously.
From the previous step’s ‘Root Directory’ screen, use the pull down menu and click ‘Tools’ and then select ‘Map Network Drive’. The ‘Map Network Drive’ program will run. Select the drive letter you would like LinkStation to assume from the ‘Drive:’ pull down menu. Enter the \\LinkStation_Name\share_ name in the ‘Folder:’ fi eld (where
LinkStation_Name is the ‘LinkStation Name’ and share_name is the ‘Shared Folder Name’ both set on Page 6). Once complete, check the ‘Reconnect at logon’ box and press the ‘Finish’ button.
Congratulations, LinkStation is set up! Please see the User Manual on the LinkNavigator