Understand that the addition of 8 faders also adds 8 Select buttons. Since each Select button allows access to 40 virtual encoders, a single
Due to the huge amount of programming memory this requires, there are certain restrictions on the number of Banks and channels that are available, dependent upon the number of
This table shows the total number of Banks and Channels that are available, depending upon the number of Expanders connected to a single
+0 Expanders X 4 Banks = 32 Channels.
+1 Expanders X 3 Banks = 48 Channels.
+2 Expanders X 2 Banks = 48 Channels.
+3 Expanders X 2 Banks = 64 Channels.
+4 Expanders X 1 Banks = 40 Channels.
+5 Expanders X 1 Banks = 48 Channels.
+6 Expanders X 1 Banks = 56 Channels.
+7 Expanders X 1 Banks = 64 Channels.