The three colour PPM Bargraph Meters normally follow the Monitor selection to show the level of the Stereo MIX outputs or
If the output level is too low and hardly registering at all on the meters, the level of background noise may become significant. In this case check that input
levels and gain settings are correct (see the section
switched off and the Right meter displays the PFL/AFL signal.
Tip Ring
A |
test tone for system tests or aligning Tape |
Machines. Press the switch to turn ON the | Inserts |
| Tape Returns |
| Outputs |
oscillator and feed a 1kHz tone to the MIX |
| |
and GROUP outputs at a fixed level. DON’T |
PERFORMANCE, OR WITH THE AMPLIFIERS TURNED UP HIGH - a sudden, very loud burst of tone will not do your ears or your loudspeakers any good! Since this button must therefore only be used with caution, its importance is highlighted by a mauve cap colour.
The TAPE RETURN jacks are an ideal place to connect the playback of a tape machine, without using up any of the LINE inputs. This pot sets the level of playback signal fed either to the MIX (when MIX
is pressed) or MONITOR, when MIX/2TK is pressed. The inputs accept signals from 100mV
The TAPE RETURN is also the best way of connecting a tape or CD player to feed
Press this switch to route the TAPE RETURN signal direct to the mix outputs. Adjust the |
input level with the TAPE RETURN LEVEL control. The Tape Return signal will now be |
present at the Mix outputs, at a level set by the Master Faders, and the meters will display | Headphones |
this same signal. |
| |
| |
Press this switch to route the TAPE RETURN signal to the MONITOR and PHONES outputs. Adjust the input | ||
level with the TAPE RETURN LEVEL control. An setting of 31⁄2 corresponds to an input level of about +4dBu and | ||
a setting of 6 corresponds to | ||
providing a useful way of matching the level of sources for recording. |
NOTE: If both MIX/2TK and MIX are pressed, the mix outputs will be carrying the Tape Return signal under the | ||
control of the Master Faders and the VU meters will show the true output level, while the PPM meters will be | ||
displaying the full Tape Return signal. |
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