The following screen is displayed:
•Use the U or V keys to select the playlist to which you would like to add your chosen album.
Alternatively, use the MNew key to create a new playlist as described in the previous section.
•Press the OSelect key to add the album to the playlist.
You can also use the pMark key to mark multiple items in the Library and then add them to a playlist using the above method.
Editing Playlists
To edit a playlist name
•From the Playlists screen, use the U or V keys to highlight the playlist you wish to edit.
•Press the äOptions key and choose Edit Playlist Name.
•Use the alphanumeric keypad to edit the playlist name and then press the MSave key.
To remove an item from a playlist
•Use the U or V keys to highlight the item you would like to remove from the playlist.
•Press the äOptions key and choose Delete Selection from the list.
To delete multiple items from a playlist use the pMark key to mark the items you wish to remove and then follow the process described above.
To move an item in a playlist
•Use the pMark key to mark the item(s) you wish to move.
•Use the U or V keys to highlight the item after which you wish to place the marked items.
•Press the äOptions key and choose Move marked selections.
To delete a playlist
•From the Playlists screen, use the U or V keys to highlight the playlist you wish to delete.
•Press the äOptions key and choose Remove selected playlist.
To delete multiple playlists use the pMark key to mark the playlists you wish to remove and then follow the process described above.
editing the library
Your Audio Server labels the albums, artists and tracks in your Library with names which identify the track you are listening to, and these help you locate items when you are browsing through the Library.
If you have an Internet connection, your Audio Server reads the CD information automatically from the Gracenote Music Recognition Service. You can edit these names at any stage to suit your own preferences.
Editing Album Information
•Press the àLibrary key on your Audio Server remote control to display the Library.
•Press the U or V keys to select Albums and press the T key.
•Use the U or V keys again to highlight the album you wish to edit.
•Press the äOptions key and choose Edit Album Details.
The following screen is displayed:
•Use the U or V keys to highlight either Name, Artists, Genres, Year or Era.
•Press the OEdit key.
•Use the alphanumeric keypad to edit the text and press the OOK key.
When you have finished making changes to an album’s details make sure you press the MSave key.
If, for example, multiple genres are applicable to an album these can be entered by pressing the RETURN key on the remote control between entries, while editing the genre field.
Editing Track Information
•Press the àLibrary key on your Audio Server remote control to display the Library.
•Press the U or V keys to select Tracks and press the T key.
•Use the U or V keys again to highlight the track you wish to edit.
•Press the äOptions key and choose Edit Track Details.