The following screen is displayed:
•Use the U or V keys to highlight either Name, Artists, Genres, Year, Era or Artwork.
•Press the OEdit key.
•Use the alphanumeric keypad to edit the title and press the OOK key.
When you have finished making changes to a track’s details make sure you press the MSave key.
Editing Genre, Year and Era names
•Press the àLibrary key on your Audio Server remote control to display the Library.
•Press the U or V keys to select either Genres, Years or Eras and press the T key.
•Use the U or V keys again to highlight the genre, year or era you wish to edit.
•Press the äOptions key and choose the Edit name option.
•Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter a new name for the genre, year or era.
Selecting Album Artwork
Your Audio Server stores a number of generic cover art images that can be applied to albums in your Library. You can also choose to apply cover art that has been downloaded from the XiVA Online Service to any album in your library.
•Highlight the album in your Library to which you would like to apply a cover art image.
•Press the äOptions key.
•Use the U and V keys to select Edit Album Details and press the OSelect key.
•Choose the Artwork option and press the OEdit key.
The following screen, listing all of the cover art images stored on your Audio Server, is displayed:
•Use the U or V keys to scroll through the cover art images.
•Press the OSelect key to associate a piece of artwork with your chosen album.
It is also possible to upload images from your PC to your Audio Server and apply these to albums in your Library. For more information, refer to the section titled Importing Files To Your Audio Server on page 31.
Deleting albums and tracks
•Press the àLibrary key on your Audio Server remote control to display the Library.
•Press the U,Vand Tkeys to navigate to the album or track you would like to delete.
•Press the äOptions key and choose Delete track or Delete album where appropriate.
A confirmation screen will appear:
•Press the OYes key to confirm you wish to delete the album or track.
Note: Any items you choose to delete will be permanently erased from your Audio Server’s hard disk. Anything you delete by accident will need to be