Toshiba MD24F51, MD20F51 Marking desired scenes, DVD Returning to the scenes, Press Enter

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Advanced playback

Marking desired scenes

The unit stores the points that you want to watch again up to 3 points.

You can resume playback from each scene.





VCDDVD Marking the scenes￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

1 Press MARKER during playback.

2 Select the blank Marker using C or D.

Then press ENTER at the desired scene.

• Repeat this￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿procedure￿￿￿￿￿to￿￿￿￿￿set the other 2 scenes.

3 Press MARKER to remove this display.


Some discs may not work with the marking operation.

The marking is canceled when you open the disc tray or turn the power off.

Some subtitles recorded around the marker may fail to appear.

DVD Returning to the scenes


1 Press MARKER during playback￿￿or￿￿￿￿stop￿￿￿￿mode. 2 PressC or D to select￿￿￿￿￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Marker￿￿￿￿￿￿1-3￿￿￿￿.

3 Press ENTER.

Playback starts from the marked scene.

To cancel the Marker

Follow the above steps 1~2, then press CANCEL.


5S10101A [E] (P32-33)


2/5/05, 9:43 AM

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Contents MD20F51 MD24F51 Important Safeguards IntroductionS3126A IntroductionImportant Safeguards HeatDisc Power sourceTo USE AC Power Source Precautions WaitOn cleaning discs Structure of disc contentsOn handling discs On storing discsDVD On Video CDsPlayable discs Contents Rear Identification of controlsFront Remote control DVD Menu buttonInserting batteries OperationConnections Antenna connectionsConnections For subscribers to basic cable TV service Cable TV connectionsConnecting to optional equipment Press Input repeatedly to select the desired modeSignal flow Rear of TV/DVDConnecting to an amplifier equipped with a DTS decoder Dolby DigitalDolby Surround Pro Logic Digital Theater Systems DTSMPEG2 sound Channel digital stereoStarting setup Starting setupBasic setup EnterSetting the language Setting the languageBasic setup Press MENU, then press or to select optionTV operation TV operationTV operation Game Mode HeadphonesChannel UP/DOWN DisplayWhat is Closed CAPTIONING? Closed captionsClosed captions To View Closed CaptionsTo ADD/DELETE channels TV/CABLE selection Automatic memory tuningTo memorize channels To change password Setting the V-ChipTo register password To set the V-Chip OFFTV-Y TV-GAdjusting the picture preference Picture control adjustment Adjusting the picture preferencePicture control adjustment Sound control adjustment Listening to stereo soundListening to SAP Second Audio Program To select desired soundBasic playback Playing a discVcdcd Basic playback To pause playback still mode To remove the disc To obtain a higher quality picturePlay To stop playbackVCD Playing in fast reverse or fast forward directions Vcddvd Playing frame by frameVcddvd Playing in slow-motion VCD Locating a chapter or trackCancel Zooming/Locating desired sceneVCD Zooming VCD Locating desired sceneTo cancel the Marker Marking desired scenesDVD Returning to the scenes Press Marker to remove this displayVCD A-B Repeat playback Repeat playback/A-B Repeat playbackVCD Repeat playback Random playback Program playback/Random playbackVcdcd Program playback Changing angles/Title selection/DVD menu Changing anglesTitle selection DVD menuAudio Select Changing soundtrack language/ SubtitlesChanging soundtrack language Subtitles VCD To turn off the PBC Disc status/To turn off the PBCVCD Disc status MP3/WMA/JPEG CD information CD MP3/WMA/JPEG CD informationMP3/WMA CD playback CD MP3/WMA CD playback5Press Stop to end playback About file menuJpeg playback CD Jpeg CD playback CD Slide show playbackFunction setup Customizing the function settingsVCD Setting procedure Setting details OSD Picture Mode DRCJpeg Interval OffParental control setting If you forget the passwordTo change the parental level Select FilesLoad a DVD disc and press Play or OPEN/ Close on the unit Playback will commence if the entered password was correctTemporary disabling of rating level by DVD disc Others Language code listOthers Troubleshooting Symptoms Possible Solutions PowerSymptoms Possible Solutions DVD Reception disturbances IgnitionSpecifications Supplied accessoriesMD20F51 MD24F51 General Input/OutputLimited warranty Limited Ninety 90 Day WarrantyHow to Obtain Warranty Service Continental United States contactMemo Memo 5S10101A E P52-Back 05, 945 AM

MD20F51, MD24F51 specifications

The Toshiba MD24F51 and MD20F51 are compact yet highly capable LED TVs designed to deliver an impressive viewing experience for various environments, from cozy living rooms to stylish bedrooms. Both models embody Toshiba's commitment to quality and innovation, making them popular choices among consumers looking for reliability and performance in their home entertainment systems.

One of the standout features of the MD24F51 and MD20F51 is their LED backlit display technology, which enhances picture quality significantly. The LED panels provide vibrant colors and deeper contrasts, ensuring that viewers enjoy a crisp and clear image whether they are watching movies, playing video games, or streaming their favorite shows. The high-definition resolution caters to the viewer's demands for detail, enabling them to immerse themselves into the content more fully.

Both models support various multimedia formats, allowing users to enjoy content from multiple sources. With HDMI connectivity, HDMI devices can be easily connected to the TVs, providing high-quality audio and video transmission. Additionally, USB ports on both models provide a convenient way to playback multimedia files, from videos to music and photos, offering versatility that modern consumers appreciate.

The MD24F51 and MD20F51 come equipped with Toshiba's advanced sound technology, enhancing the audio experience without the need for additional sound systems. This is particularly important in smaller setups where space might be at a premium. The smart sound enhancement features ensure that the audio remains crisp and clear, making dialogues more understandable and action sequences more thrilling.

In terms of design, the MD24F51 and MD20F51 present a sleek and modern aesthetic that fits seamlessly into various décor styles. The slim profile and minimalist bezels ensure that the focus remains on the screen, while the compact size makes it ideal for small spaces without compromising on performance.

Energy efficiency is another critical aspect of these models. Toshiba has integrated energy-saving technologies to minimize power consumption, making them environmentally friendly choices for conscientious consumers.

Ultimately, the Toshiba MD24F51 and MD20F51 represent a perfect blend of features, performance, and efficient design, making them excellent options for those in search of high-quality, compact television solutions. Whether for gaming, streaming, or casual viewing, these models deliver an exceptional user experience that is hard to beat.