Toshiba MW24F52, MW20F52 owner manual To set daily/weekly timer To confirm the settings

Page 42

Recording (VCR)

Timer recording (Continued)


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To set daily/weekly timer

To confirm the settings

Weekly (e.g. WKL-TUE: each Tuesday) or daily (e.g.

MON-SAT: Monday to Saturday) Timer recording

Follow the procedure of timer recording on page 41. At picture 4 press or repeatedly until the desired setting appears. Then press ENTER.

When you press repeatedly, the indicator at DATE will

change as follows, in this case the day is Friday.

The current day (Friday) SUN-SAT (Sunday to Saturday)

One month later

MON-SAT (Monday to Saturday)


minus one day

MON-FRI (Monday to Friday)



WKL-THU (Weekly Thursday)

(Weekly Wednesday)


Press PROGRAM once. The TV screen displays the timer program list. Press PROGRAM again. The TV screen displays the ON/OFF timer setting.

Press PROGRAM 3 times. The menu screen is cleared.












To cancel a program

If the programs overlap another

Do not overlap timer programs as portions of the conflicting programs will be lost. The first recording time has priority over the next recording time as shown in the diagram below.

If you set up many timer recording programs at the same start time, the priority will be the top program in the timer recording list.

8 : 00

9 : 00

10 : 00

11 : 00

Program 1

Program 2






Deleted Parts


Program 3






Non Recorded Portion Parts






Control Settings





The daily/weekly recording can be made continuously until the recording is canceled or the tape reaches the end.

During timer recording the automatic rewinding mechanism does not function.

You can correct or cancel the programed setting in program confirm mode.


Press PROGRAM once. The TV screen displays the timer program list.

Press or to select the unnecessary program, and press CANCEL to cancel the program.

2 3 T H

7 : 0 0 PM

9 : 3 0 PM



2 4 W￿E￿

8 : 0 0 PM

9 : 0 0 PM



2 6 S A

10￿: 0 0 AM 10￿: 3 0 AM



2 6 S A

7 : 0 0 PM

9 : 0 0 PM

007 SP

2 7 S U

8 : 3 0 PM

9 : 0 0 PM

018 SP

2 8 M O

6 : 0 0 PM

6 : 3 0 PM

￿￿￿￿￿001 SP

2 9 T U￿

11￿: 0 0 ￿￿PM 11 : 2 0 ￿￿PM



3￿￿1 W￿￿￿E ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿7 : 3 0 PM 9 : 0 0 PM 125 ￿￿SLP￿


￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

The unauthorized recording, use, distribution, or revision of television programs, videotapes, DVDs and other materials, is prohibited under the Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries, and may subject you to civil and/or crimi- nal liability.

5W70101A [E]p39-42


30/1/06, 2:31 PM

Image 42
Contents MW20F52 MW24F52 Dear Customer IntroductionImportant Safeguards Important Safeguards Power source Location of the required MarkingIntroduction Precautions Do not use the unit when moisture condensation may occurMoisture condensation occurs during the following cases Contents On handling discs On cleaning discsStructure of disc contents On storing discsUSB Port Information Playable discsDVD Identification of controls Front panelRemote control DVD Menu buttonInserting batteries OperationAntenna connections ConnectionsConnections For subscribers to basic cable TV service Cable TV connectionsConnecting to an audio system Connecting to optional equipmentConnecting to a camcorder LINE1 LINE2Dolby Surround Pro Logic Connecting to an amplifier equipped with a DTS decoderDolby Digital Digital Theater Systems DTSMPEG2 sound Channel digital stereoConnecting to a USB Storage Device Connecting to a USB Storage DeviceBasic setup Starting setupStarting setup EnterAuto clock adjustment Clock settingAuto clock setting To set auto clock to OFFTo set standard time To set daylight saving timeManual clock setting Option PressWhile watching TV Setting the language TV/VCR operation statusSetting the language While operating a tapeTV operation Adjust the volume level by pressing VOL + orCable mode direct channel selection TV operationChannel Return HeadphonesChannel UP/DOWN MuteClosed captions What is Closed CAPTIONING?Closed captions On TV Picture DisplayTV/CABLE selection Automatic memory tuningTo memorize channels To ADD/DELETE channelsSetting the V-Chip To register password To change passwordCancel TV-Y To set the V-ChipOFF TV-GTo set the on timer To set the on timerPress MENU. Press or to select Option To cancel the OFF Timer function To set the off timerTo set the off timer To confirm the ON/OFF TimerPicture control adjustment Adjusting the picture preferenceMode Picture quality Listening to SAP Second Audio Program Sound control adjustmentListening to stereo sound To select desired soundUnloading Loading and unloading a cassette tapeLoading To prevent accidental erasureCassette tape playback PlaybackRewind or forward the tape Special playback Convenient function Repeat playback Using the real time tape counterTo start the playback, press Play To cancel repeat mode Press MENU, then press or to select optionReset to set the counter to Zero return function Video head cleaningVideo head cleaning Press DisplayTo stop recording Recording a TV programRecording a TV program To stop recording temporarilyOne-touch timer recording OTR To cancel OTRSet TV or Cable option to the appropriate Position Timer recording Timer recordingVCR To set daily/weekly timer To confirm the settings To cancel a program If the programs overlap anotherDuplicating a video tape Duplicating a video tapeOther functions VCR Recording a DVD/CD disc Duplicating a DVD or CD discPlaying a disc Vcdcd Basic playbackBasic playback DVD Play To obtain a higher quality pictureAbout Vcddvd Playing in slow-motion Playing in fast reverse or fast forward directionsVcddvd Playing frame by frame VCD Locating a chapter or trackVCD Zooming VCD Locating desired sceneAdvanced playback DVD Repeat playback/A-B Repeat playback Vcddvd Repeat playbackVCD A-B Repeat playback Program playback/Random playback VCD Program playbackVCD Random playback Title selection Changing angles/Title selection/DVD menuChanging angles DVD menuChanging soundtrack language/ Subtitles Changing soundtrack language SubtitlesAudio Select VCD To turn off the PBC Disc status/To turn off the PBCVcddvd Disc status Video CDLimitations on MP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX playback MP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX and Audio CD operationMP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX data information Limitations on displaying of the file namePress Stop to end playback CD operation Jpeg playbackSlide show playback DivX playback Playing DivX VOD content Press Stop to end playbackRandom playback CD/USB Enter Play Function setup DVD Customizing the function settingsSetting procedure ReturnSetting details Other Menu, Subtitle, AudioEnglish, Francais, Espanol Original AudioOff Picture ModeJpeg Interval SecondsParental control setting If you forget the passwordDivX VOD Playback will commence if the entered password was correct Temporary disabling of rating level by DVD discTemporary disabling of rating level by DVD disc Language code list OthersReception disturbances OthersTroubleshooting Symptoms Cause Possible Solutions PowerSymptoms Cause Possible Solutions VCR MW20F52 MW24F52 General SpecificationsSupplied accessories Input/OutputLimited United States Warranty Above Warranties are Subject to the Following ConditionsHow to Obtain Warranty Service For additional information, visit TACPs website

MW24F52, MW20F52 specifications

The Toshiba MW20F52 and MW24F52 represent a pivotal evolution in television technology that captures the interest of tech enthusiasts and casual viewers alike. These models, known for their combination of practicality and advanced features, cater to diverse viewing preferences and environments.

At the heart of both models is a high-resolution display that offers vivid colors and sharp images, enhancing the viewing experience whether you’re watching movies, playing video games, or streaming content. The MW20F52 features a 20-inch screen, making it a perfect fit for small spaces such as bedrooms and kitchens, while the MW24F52 boasts a 24-inch display, ideal for larger rooms without overwhelming the space.

One of the standout features is the inclusion of built-in DVD players in both models, allowing users to enjoy their favorite DVDs without the need for additional devices. This feature caters to those who appreciate classic DVDs and provides a compact all-in-one solution. The design is sleek and modern, allowing these TVs to blend seamlessly into any décor.

In terms of connectivity, both the MW20F52 and MW24F52 come equipped with multiple input options. They include HDMI and composite inputs, enabling users to connect gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and other multimedia devices. This ensures versatility and ease of use in a variety of setups.

The audio quality in both models is commendable, featuring built-in speakers that deliver clear sound. Users can enjoy an immersive audio experience while watching their favorite shows or movies, enhancing overall enjoyment without needing additional sound systems.

Additionally, these Toshiba models offer energy-efficient performance, which is a consideration for environmentally conscious consumers. The energy-saving modes help reduce power consumption while maintaining optimal performance.

Toshiba’s commitment to user-friendly functionality is evident in the ergonomic remote control design, which simplifies navigation and enhances the overall viewing experience. The straightforward menu systems allow even the most tech-averse users to operate the TVs with ease.

In conclusion, the Toshiba MW20F52 and MW24F52 are compelling choices for anyone seeking a combination of advanced technology, compact design, and user-friendly features. With built-in DVD players, multiple connectivity options, and good audio quality, these models represent a wonderful blend of functionality and style, making them worthy contenders in the competitive television market.