Toshiba 29VH36/37 owner manual Txt Language, Programming, Search, Fine Tuning, Name, Execution APS

Page 11

Txt Language

By pressing ““ or “” button, select Txt Language. You can select the Teletext Language by pressing “” or “” but- ton. The options are West Europe, East Europe,Greek-Tur-

key,6:(',6+(1*/,6+)'&=(&+*(0326/29(1,125:(*,7&(',&51&+,11,6$38$1$1*Russian11,6+6778*8(6($$￿6/295,1￿(8523(￿$'87&+$11$.. *(50132/,6+&=(&+',7+81*6:(',6+)(5(1&+,11,6$$$/,671,6+$$1￿￿5,6/29(8523(￿$'87&+1$.'*(63(1*/,6+)32,&(/7*5((*5((75(1&+,11,68$:(',6+$1*$.078*8(6(.1,6+$$$1',&5,1.￿￿$'87&+7851.(<%8/*</25866,&=(&+*(0&52(6721,(77,6+,7+8.$$￿5,6/291,￿$$'87&+.11$$1 0


By pressing ““ or “” button, select Programming. You can enter),1(6&2/25352*the7$1'5&+78,1*programming$￿$5'02500,1* menu %*$￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿by872pressing “” button￿ .


By pressing “” / “” or digit buttons, select Program. By pressing digit buttons, you can select the program number. There are 100 program storage between 0 and 99.

Color Norm

By pressing ““ or “” button, select Color norm. By press-

ing “” or “” button, you can change the standard to AUTO, PAL or SECAM.


By pressing ““ or “” button, select Standard. By pressing

” or “” button, you can change the standard to BG, L, DK or AUTO.


By pressing ““ or “” button, select Search. By pressing “” button,%&+6(5&+you$1'$11(/can enter Search menu&￿￿.


By pressing ““ or “” button, select Search. By pressing

” button, you can start Channel Search. When you start the channel searching “SEARCHING…” is written and when a channel is found which has been searched, “FOUND” mes- sage is written across the Search item in the menu above.


By pressing ““ or “” button, select Channel. By pressing

” / “” or digit buttons, you can change the channel num- ber.


By pressing ““ or “” button, select Band. By pressing “” or “” button, you can change the Band to C or S.

To exit the Search menu, press “MENU” button.

To Store the Settings

Press “OK” button to store Search menu settings.

“STORED” will be displayed.

Fine Tuning

By pressing ““ or “” button, select Fine Tuning. By pressing “” or “” button, you can fine tune the program

manually.352*&2/2516),1(71'$0(5&+781,1*$￿$5'00,1*250 $%*6￿￿872 ￿


By pressing ““ or “” button in Programming menu, select NAME. You can change the program name. When you select the Name, cursor is on the first letter. By using ““ or “”‚

buttons you can select the letter. By pressing “” or “” but- ton, you can move the cursor to second or third letter of the program name. Name can be 5 digit length.

To Store the Settings

Press “OK” button to store Programming menu settings.

“STORED” will be displayed.

Press “MENU” button to exit programming menu.

Execution APS

By pressing ““ or “” button, select Execution APS in Pro- gramming menu. By pressing “” button, you can enter Exe-

cution APS2&$(;&87,21/.(/￿￿￿67menu￿$32*5('$57￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿(;,7￿￿￿￿￿&￿.￿￿$$06:,//36￿%( $1&(/

If you want to cancel APS, press “EXIT” button, you return to Installation menu. If “OK” button is pressed, APS function

starts and￿(;(&87,21$&+352*566(;,7the36$￿￿￿￿￿￿￿11,6following￿￿(&5811,1*/$￿￿￿￿￿1&(/￿￿$36￿￿￿menu3/(￿￿￿$￿6(￿￿￿comes:$,7￿to the￿￿￿screen.

ENGLISH - 10 -


27.04.2004, 11:44

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Contents Toshiba For your safety ContentsVent it from falling over DON’T listen to headphones at high volume, as such use canDON’T place hot objects or naked flame sources, such as Antenna Connections Control Panel Buttons= No Function Remote Control ButtonsInitial Settings FeaturesSwitching the TV ON/OFF Sound menu Operating with Remote ControlMenu System Headphone Menu Surround Mode To Store the Settings EqualizerPicture menu Installation Menu Feature menuSearch Fine TuningTxt Language ProgrammingOther Functions Teletext Connect the External Equipments Before connecting anythingTips Exclusion Clause Cleaning The ScreenSpecifications