1-3 Precautions for Electrostatically Sensitive Devices (ESDs)
1.Some semiconductor (Òsolid stateÓ) devices are easily damaged by static electricity. Such components are called Electrostatically Sensitive Devices (ESDs); examples include integrated circuits and some
2.Immediately before handling any semicon ductor components or assemblies, drain the electrostatic charge from your body by touching a known earth ground. Alternatively, wear a discharging
3.After removing an
4.Do not use
5.Use only a
6.Use only an
7.Do not remove a replacement ESD from its protective package until you are ready to install it. Most replacement ESDs are packaged with leads that are electrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminum foil or other conductive materials.
8.Immediately before removing the protective material from the leads of a replacement ESD, touch the protective material to the chassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be installed.
9.Minimize body motions when handling unpackaged replacement ESDs. Motions such as brushing clothes together, or lifting a foot from a carpeted floor can generate enough static electricity to damage an ESD.
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