How to Set u Restrictions Usin the 'Canadian French' (.for canada models}
14Press the A or • button to select Canadian French, then press the ENTER button.
15Press the J, or _'button to select an appropriate restriction.
Press the ENTER button to activate the restriction selected. The "_" symbol is indicated.
• G: Generat.
,,8 arts*: Not recommended for young children.
,,t3 arts÷: Programming may not be suitable for children under the age of 13,
• 16 ans+: Programming is not suitable for children under the age of 16:
,,18 ans+: Programming restricted to adults.
Allow all: Press to unlock all TV ratings.
Block all: Press to lock all TV ratings.
ans% 16 ans% and 18 ans+ wilt automatically be blocked also.
Parental restriction information can be used while watching DTV channels.
16Press the A or _'button to select Downloadable U.S. Rating, then press the ENTER button.
The number of -
Rating title current rating title
_'_ • If information is not downloaded from the broadcasting station, the Downloadable U.S. Rating menu is deactivated.
•Parental restriction information is automatically downloaded while watching DTV channels. It may take several seconds.
•The Downloadable U.S. Rating menu is available for use after information is downloaded from the broadcasting station. However. depending on the information from the broadcasting station, it may not be available for use.
17 Press the A or T button to select an appropriate restriction.
Press the ENTER button to activate the restriction selected. The "@" symbol is indicated.
Press the EXIT button to exit.The number of all rating title
•AltowAII: Press to unlock all TV ratings.
Block All: Press to lock ali TV ratings.
•Parental restriction levels differ depending on the broadcasting station.
•The default menu name and Downloadabte US rating changes depending on the downloaded information.
•Even if you set the
•The rating will automatically block certain categories that are more restrictive.
•The rating titles (for example: Humor LeveLetc) and TV ratings (for example: NV, MV, V_.etc) may differ depending on the broadcasting station.
Viewing Closed Captions(On-Screen Text Messages) -Analog
The Analog Caption function operates in either analog TV channel mode or external signal mode. (Depending on the broadcasting signal, the Analog Caption function may operate on digital channels.)
1Press the MENU button to displaythe menu.
Press the _, or _'button to select Setup. then press the ENTER button.
2Press the A or T button to seIect Caption, then press the ENTER button.
3Press the ENTER button to seIect Caption.
Press the A or T button to select On, then press the ENTER button.
4Press the A or _'button to select Caption Mode, then press the ENTER button.
Press the A or T button to select the submenu (Default, CC1~CC4 or Text1 ~ Text4) you want, then press the ENTER button.
Press the EXIT button to exit.
*CCt: The Primary S__chronous Caption Service. These are cautions inthe primary anguage that must be in sync '¢ltn the sound, preferably matched to a specific frame.
,CC2: The Soecial
-CC3: Secondary S__chronous Caution Service.Alterna[e
-CC4: Soeciat
-Text1: First Text Service. This may De vanous
-Text2: Second Text Service. Additional aa[a. usua ,j no[ program relatea.
,,Text3/Text4: Third Text Service. These data channels should be used onlj if Textl and Text2 are not sufficient.
:.'.'.•'.'The.'.'default.'.'.'is Default.
4!, The availability of captions depends on the program being broadcast.
You can also press the CAPTION button on the
remote control to select Captions On or Off.