
D. Punch Through TV Volume Control
After setting up the remote control to work with your respective TV, VCR, CATV, Satellite equipment, etc., the remote control can also be set up so that theTV volume control will supersede respective equipment volume control, even when the remote control is in a different Device mode.
Step 1:Press the DEVICE button (VCR, CATV, SAT, etc.)and MUTE button simultaneously.
Note:SET will appear in the LCD
Step 2: Press the VOLUME (+) button.
Example: To set up TV volume to replace the satellite receiver volume in the SATmode.
Step 1: Press the SAT and MUTE buttons, simultaneously.
Note: SET will appear in the LCD.
Step 2: Press the VOLUME (+) button
TV volume will now operate in the SAT mode.
To return to the original volume control setting.
Step 1: Press the DEVICE button(VCR,CATV,SAT,etc.) and MUTE button, simultaneously.
Note:SET will appear in the LCD.
Step 2: Press the VOLUME(+) button.
The TV volume Punch Through for the selected device mode is now deactivated.