BD/DVD language code list |
| 09 | |
Language (Language code letter), Language code |
| |
Japanese (ja), 1001 | Catalan (ca), 0301 | Indonesian (in), 0914 | Burmese (my), 1325 | Serbian (sr), 1918 | |
English (en), 0514 | Corsican (co), 0315 | Icelandic (is), 0919 | Nauru (na), 1401 | Siswati (ss), 1919 | |
French (fr), 0618 | Czech (cs), 0319 | Hebrew (iw), 0923 | Nepali (ne), 1405 | Sesotho (st), 1920 | |
German (de), 0405 | Welsh (cy), 0325 | Yiddish (ji), 1009 | Norwegian (no), 1415 | Sundanese (su), 1921 | |
Italian (it), 0920 | Danish (da), 0401 | Javanese (jw), 1023 | Occitan (oc), 1503 | Swedish (sv), 1922 | |
Spanish (es), 0519 | Bhutani (dz), 0426 | Georgian (ka), 1101 | Oromo (om), 1513 | Swahili (sw), 1923 | |
Dutch (nl), 1412 | Esperanto (eo), 0515 | Kazakh (kk), 1111 | Oriya (or), 1518 | Tamil (ta), 2001 | |
Russian (ru), 1821 | Estonian (et), 0520 | Greenlandic (kl), 1112 | Panjabi (pa), 1601 | Telugu (te), 2005 | |
Chinese (zh), 2608 | Basque (eu), 0521 | Cambodian (km), 1113 | Polish (pl), 1612 | Tajik (tg), 2007 | |
Korean (ko), 1115 | Persian (fa), 0601 | Kannada (kn), 1114 | Pashto, Pushto (ps), 1619 | Thai (th), 2008 | |
Greek (el), 0512 | Finnish (fi), 0609 | Kashmiri (ks), 1119 | Portuguese (pt), 1620 | Tigrinya (ti), 2009 | |
Afar (aa), 0101 | Fiji (fj), 0610 | Kurdish (ku), 1121 | Quechua (qu), 1721 | Turkmen (tk), 2011 | |
Abkhazian (ab), 0102 | Faroese (fo), 0615 | Kirghiz (ky), 1125 | Tagalog (tl), 2012 | ||
Afrikaans (af), 0106 | Frisian (fy), 0625 | Latin (la), 1201 | Kirundi (rn), 1814 | Setswana (tn), 2014 | |
Amharic (am), 0113 | Irish (ga), 0701 | Lingala (ln), 1214 | Romanian (ro), 1815 | Tonga (to), 2015 | |
Arabic (ar), 0118 | Laothian (lo), 1215 | Kinyarwanda (rw), 1823 | Turkish (tr), 2018 | ||
Assamese (as), 0119 | Galician (gl), 0712 | Lithuanian (lt), 1220 | Sanskrit (sa), 1901 | Tsonga (ts), 2019 | |
Aymara (ay), 0125 | Guarani (gn), 0714 | Latvian (lv), 1222 | Sindhi (sd), 1904 | Tatar (tt), 2020 | |
Azerbaijani (az), 0126 | Gujarati (gu), 0721 | Malagasy (mg), 1307 | Sangho (sg), 1907 | Twi (tw), 2023 | |
Bashkir (ba), 0201 | Hausa (ha), 0801 | Maori (mi), 1309 | Ukrainian (uk), 2111 | ||
Byelorussian (be), 0205 | Hindi (hi), 0809 | Macedonian (mk), 1311 | Sinhalese (si), 1909 | Urdu (ur), 2118 | |
Bulgarian (bg), 0207 | Croatian (hr), 0818 | Malayalam (ml), 1312 | Slovak (sk), 1911 | Uzbek (uz), 2126 | |
Bihari (bh), 0208 | Hungarian (hu), 0821 | Mongolian (mn), 1314 | Slovenian (sl), 1912 | Vietnamese (vi), 2209 | |
Bislama (bi), 0209 | Armenian (hy), 0825 | Moldavian (mo), 1315 | Samoan (sm), 1913 | Volapük (vo), 2215 | |
Bengali (bn), 0214 | Interlingua (ia), 0901 | Marathi (mr), 1318 | Shona (sn), 1914 | Wolof (wo), 2315 | |
Tibetan (bo), 0215 | Interlingue (ie), 0905 | Malay (ms), 1319 | Somali (so), 1915 | Xhosa (xh), 2408 | |
Breton (br), 0218 | Inupiak (ik), 0911 | Maltese (mt), 1320 | Albanian (sq), 1917 | Yoruba (yo), 2515 | |
| Zulu (zu), 2621 |
BD/DVD country/area code list
Country/Area, Country/Area code, Country/Area code letter
Argentina, 0118, ar | Finland, 0609, fi | Malaysia, 1325, my |
Australia, 0121, au | France, 0618, fr | Mexico, 1324, mx |
Austria, 0120, at | Germany, 0405, de | Netherlands, 1412, nl |
Belgium, 0205, be | Hong Kong, 0811, hk | New Zealand, 1426, nz |
Brazil, 0218, br | India, 0914, in | Norway, 1415, no |
Canada, 0301, ca | Indonesia, 0904, id | Pakistan, 1611, pk |
Chile, 0312, cl | Italy, 0920, it | Philippines, 1608, ph |
China, 0314, cn | Japan, 1016, jp | Portugal, 1620, pt |
Denmark, 0411, dk | Republic of Korea, 1118, kr | Russian Federation, 1821, ru |
Singapore, 1907, sg Spain, 0519, es Switzerland, 0308, ch Sweden, 1905, se Taiwan, 2023, tw Thailand, 2008, th United Kingdom, 0702, gb
United States of America, 2119, us
Incorrect operation is often mistaken for trouble or malfunction. If you think that there is something wrong with this component, check the points below. Sometimes the trouble may lie in another component. Inspect the other components and electrical appliances being used. If the trouble cannot be rectified after checking the items below, please contact customer services. In the US, call Toll Free (800)
(Telephone lines are open Monday through Friday 6:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Pacific Time) and Saturday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Pacific Time).) In Canada, call Local (905)
Playback troubleshooting
The disc won’t play or is automatically ejected after loading.
•Make sure the disc is free from dirt and dust and is not damaged (see Taking care of your player and discs on page 46).
•Make sure the disc is loaded with the label side
•Incompatible region: If the region on a
•Condensation inside the player: Allow time for condensation to evaporate. Avoid using the player near an
•Make sure the disc is compatible with this player (see Disc/content format playback compatibility on page 9).