Searching videos
You can search for videos by entering search words of up to 128 characters.
1.Use I/i to select [Search] option from the menu and press ENTER () to display the virtual keyboard.
Refer to “Using the virtual keyboard” on page 50 for using virtual keyboard.
When you are entering a character, maximum of 5 suggestion words will be displayed.
2.When you fi nish entering the search words, select [OK] and press ENTER () to display the related video list.
Sign in with your YouTube™ account
To watch videos from your [Favorites] video list on the YouTube™ server with your account, you need to sign in with your YouTube™ account.
1.Use I/i to select [Sign In] option from the menu and press ENTER () to display the virtual keyboard.
2.Use U/u/I/i to select a character then press ENTER () to confi rm your selection on the virtual keyboard.
Refer to “Using the virtual keyboard” on page 50 for using virtual keyboard.
3.When you fi nish entering the username and the password, select [OK] and press ENTER () to sign in.
4.If you want to sign out, select the [Sign Out] from the YouTube™ menu and press ENTER ().
This unit can automatically store up to 5 username which were previously
Select a stored username on the list and press ENTER () to display the keyboard menu with the selected username entered. You will then only need to enter the password to sign in.
Select the [X] symbol and press ENTER () to delete the stored username.
2010.1.22 8:31:47 PM |