Remote Technologies RPC-320 manual Where to GO from Here, Troubleshooting

Page 11



If you want to do this:

Turn to



Save a program


Run a program at power up or


reset (autorun)


Know m ore abo ut serial por ts


Install a differ ent RAM mem ory chip


Using RAM to save variables


Run an assembly language program


Configure digital I/O lines


Detect on/off switch status


Use high c urre nt outputs


Connect an external opto rack


Calendar/ clock option


Connect Displays


Use a keypad


Measure voltages


Using inter rupts


Multi-mode counter


Use low power operation


Refer to the table of contents for a more detailed listing.


You would probably turn to this section because you could not get the sign on message. If you are getting a sign on message but can' t enter characters, then read section 5 below . T he following are tr oubleshooting hints when you can' t get anything.

1.Check the power source. If it is below 4.65 volts at the input pow er ter minal, the RPC -320 will r eset. Power is 5 ±0.25 volts. Make sure it is a clean 5 volt source . If it dips in term ittently to 4. 65 volts

(due to switching noise or ripple), the card will reset for about 100 ms. If the noise is frequent enough, the card will be in per manen t reset. Check U7, pin

8. If it is hig h (about 5 volts), then the car d is in reset. T his line should be low (about 0 volts).

2.Check the COM 0 port (J3). Rem ove the connector from COM 0. R efer to the outline dra wing ear lier in this chapter. Connect an oscilloscope (preferred) or a voltmete r to pin 3 (T xd) and gr ound. Pin 3 should be -6 volts or more negative. (Pin 1 is designated by the v symbol on the connecto r. Pin 3 is next to it, nearer the key opening.) If you have -6 volts or more, press the reset switch. If you have a scope


attached, you should see a burst of activity. With a volt meter, you should see a change in voltage. Using a Fluke 8060A set to measure A C, you should see a mom entary rea ding above 2 volts.

3.Install the serial cable and make sure the voltages and output activity are still there. Output is from pin 3 on the VTC - 9F . If not, check to make sure something is not shorting th e output.

4.Check the serial pa ram eters on y our P C or termin al. They should be set to:

9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop

5. If you are receiving a sign on me ssage but not ab le to enter characters, check U8, pin 4 for at least -6 volts. When it is near 0 volts, the terminal or PC's Tx line is not connected. When you pr ess a character on the terminal or P C, you should see the voltage go positive. Check the serial cable. Transmitted signals from the PC or terminal are from pin 5 on the 10 pin IDC connector .

If all of this fails, call technical support listed in chapter 1.

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Contents Revision REVTrademarks Table of Contents Sect ION 13 Multi Mode Counter Description Sect ION 11 Watchdog Timer DescriptionExternal Reset Interrupt CharacteristicsSoftware Revision History Manual Organization OverviewSection DescriptionTechnical Support Symbols and Term inologySystem layout Overview SectionEquipment Operating PrecautionsIntroduction Uploading and Downloading Programs Using a PCUsing a Terminal First Time OperationEditing programs and program ming hints Troubleshooting Where to GO from HereW3 autorun jumper Saving ProgramsSaving a Program EpromChanging Eprom Size AutorunningPreventing Autorun Loading a ProgramBsave CommandsAlternate Eproms BloadCOM1 Serial Port Serial PortsCOM0 Serial Port RS-422/485 Termination network Serial Ports SectionRS-422/485 Operating Information Multidrop Network Accessing Serial BuffersTwo wire RS-485 Serial Port PIN OUT Accessing COM0 and COM1Disabling CONTROL-C RXD CTS Changing Memory Battery BackupChecking the battery RAM MemoryStoring Variables in RAM Reserved MemoryBlock Data Transfer Assembly Language InterfaceDigital Por t J3 Digital and Opto PortsDigital I/O Ports Optically Isolated Input Digital I/O CommandsDigital Port P6 High Current Port L8High Current Output Digital I/ O prog ramm ing exam ple Interfacing to switches and other devicesInterfacing Digital I/O to an opto-module rack Ls e Width Modulation PWM Conne ctor pin ou t J3 Digital and Opto Ports SectionLine B Config LineCount LineM E Setting Date and TimeDate Section Programming Example Connecting DisplaysWriting to the Display Display Types Display Connector PIN OUTProgram explanation Keypad PortKeypad Port PIN OUT J5 Overvoltage conditions Connecting Analog InputsAnalog Input InitializationAcquiring Analog Data Differential ModeExamples u sing CON FIG AIN Noise Notes Temperature MeasurementAnalog Input Section Measuring Higher Voltages Data logging on a timer tickMeasuring 4-20 mA current loops Converting Analog MeasurementsAmplifiers Calibration External Reset Watchdog TimerProgram Example Interrupt CharacteristicsOptically Isolated Interrupt Optically isolated and TTL interrup ts Gate ProgrammingGND LoadCOU NT0 Further Power Reduction Power ManagementProgram Examp le Power Management SectionTechnical Information Electrical SpecificationsBank Mechanical SpecificationsMemory and I/O Bank MAP Jumper Descriptions