Remote Technologies RPC-320 manual Overview, Section, Description, Manual Organization

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The RP C-320 is a n embed ded contr oller with a built in Basic language. Several featur es make it suitable as a stand alone un it:

Built in RPBASIC-52 programm ing language supports hardware using single commands . On card flash EPROM programm er can save up to 8

progr ams to 62K , or about 500K tota l.

High speed multimode counter accepts quadrature or single inputs. Program mable for up/dow n, binary, divide-by-N, X1, X2 or X4 quadr ature counting.

LCD charac ter and gr aphic display a nd keypad p orts for operator interface.

Two R S-232 ser ial ports, one of whic h is configurable for RS-422/485.

Watchdog timer resets card if a program "crashes" .

34 digital I/O lines, 9 of which are high curre nt outputs. 24 of these lines c an connec t to an opto rack or o ther TT L devices.

Eight channel, 12 bit resolution analog to digital converter . Configurable operational amplifiers allow you to signal condition inputs or measure temperature.

32K, 128K, or 512K RAM battery backable to save process variables and other data when power is off.

32K or 512K flash EPRO M to save program s and data.

The RPC -320 uses an 80C320 CPU operating at 22.1184 Mhz. It can operate stand alone or on a network using the RS-485 port. Its 4. 7" x 7. 0" size with 4 mounting holes makes it easy to mount in a NEMA box. Compactness is enhanced by on-board analog and digital terminal strips.

RPBA SIC-52 p rogr amm ing language is standard . T his language is a version of the original Intel BASIC-52. It was m odified for the RPC -320 for c ontrol, data acquisition applications, and on board har dware fea tures.

Program development can take place on your PC, using your word processor, or on the RPC - 320 . Programs


from your PC are downloaded using a serial communication program .


This m anual pro vides all the infor mation r equired to install, c onfigure , an d opera te the RP C-320. Using this manual you will be able to:

Interface the RPC -320 to your IBM compatible PC or ter minal.

Understand the operation of the RPC - 320 hardware using RPBASIC-52 programming software.

This manual assumes you are fam iliar with some type of BASIC progr amming software. The syntax used by RPBASIC-52 is similar to BASIC-52. If you are not experie nced with a ny BASIC softwar e, y ou may w ant to refer to books and training program s available through your local book store. The BASIC-52 Programm ing Manual has information and examples for the original commands. Comm ands unique or modified by

RPBA SIC-52 a re in the Sof tware Supplem ent in this manua l.

Each chapter or section is written to first provide an overview. Then, m ore specific information is provided. Each chapter has some examples using Basic. A summar y of related hardware com mands is at the end of most chapters.


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Copyright Intel (1985) and Remote Processing Bytes free: 27434

Page 1-1 RPC -320

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Contents Revision REVTrademarks Table of Contents External Reset Sect ION 11 Watchdog Timer DescriptionInterrupt Characteristics Sect ION 13 Multi Mode Counter DescriptionSoftware Revision History Section OverviewDescription Manual OrganizationTechnical Support Symbols and Term inologySystem layout Overview SectionEquipment Operating PrecautionsIntroduction Using a Terminal Using a PCFirst Time Operation Uploading and Downloading ProgramsEditing programs and program ming hints Troubleshooting Where to GO from HereSaving a Program Saving ProgramsEprom W3 autorun jumperPreventing Autorun AutorunningLoading a Program Changing Eprom SizeAlternate Eproms CommandsBload BsaveCOM1 Serial Port Serial PortsCOM0 Serial Port RS-422/485 Termination network Serial Ports SectionRS-422/485 Operating Information Multidrop Network Accessing Serial BuffersTwo wire RS-485 Serial Port PIN OUT Accessing COM0 and COM1Disabling CONTROL-C RXD CTS Checking the battery Battery BackupRAM Memory Changing MemoryStoring Variables in RAM Reserved MemoryBlock Data Transfer Assembly Language InterfaceDigital Por t J3 Digital and Opto PortsDigital I/O Ports Digital Port P6 Digital I/O CommandsHigh Current Port L8 Optically Isolated InputHigh Current Output Digital I/ O prog ramm ing exam ple Interfacing to switches and other devicesInterfacing Digital I/O to an opto-module rack Ls e Width Modulation PWM Conne ctor pin ou t J3 Digital and Opto Ports SectionCount Config LineLine Line BM E Setting Date and TimeDate Section Programming Example Connecting DisplaysWriting to the Display Display Types Display Connector PIN OUTProgram explanation Keypad PortKeypad Port PIN OUT J5 Analog Input Connecting Analog InputsInitialization Overvoltage conditionsAcquiring Analog Data Differential ModeExamples u sing CON FIG AIN Noise Notes Temperature MeasurementAnalog Input Section Measuring Higher Voltages Data logging on a timer tickMeasuring 4-20 mA current loops Converting Analog MeasurementsAmplifiers Calibration External Reset Watchdog TimerProgram Example Interrupt CharacteristicsOptically Isolated Interrupt Optically isolated and TTL interrup ts GND ProgrammingLoad GateCOU NT0 Further Power Reduction Power ManagementProgram Examp le Power Management SectionTechnical Information Electrical SpecificationsMemory and I/O Bank MAP Mechanical SpecificationsJumper Descriptions Bank