80C320, 22. 1184 Mhz clock
Program ming and data is 32K or 128K RAM standard, 512K Op tional.
RAM optionally battery backed up. Battery life is
Maximum BASIC progra m is 62K
Battery backed using D S1216DM , w hich also acts as a real time clock. Can also use DS1213C or D to battery back ram.
D i gi ta l I/O
The specifications below a re for digital I/ O at P6 and J3 except for the eight high current lines at J3.
Drive curr ent | 2.5 ma m aximum per line, |
| sink or source . TTL |
| compatible. |
Output low voltage | 0.45V m ax at 2.5 mA , 1V |
| max at 15 mA for opto rack. |
Output high v olts | 2.4V m inimum, sink or source |
| at rated cu rren t. |
All digital input lines are TTL compatible.
High cu rrent ou tput at J3
8 of the 24 lines can drive up to 500 ma at 50V. Refer to CHAPTER 6, D IGITAL AND OPTO PORTS for limitations.
High current output at L8
L8 sinks up to 2 ampe res at 50 V olts. Sw itching is through a "zero" ohm FE T switch.
Opto isolated input ISOA/ISOB
Isolated voltage s to 250 volts peak may be a pplied to this input. A series resistor is necessary for voltages above 12V.
Keypad input
10 lines accept a 16 position matrix keypad. Scanning and debounce performe d in
Display output
14 digital and 6 power and ground lines used to control LCD , VF , and LC D graphics displays. D isplays supported in
Serial ports
EPROM and programmer
Accepts 29C 256, 29 C010, 29C040 or equivalent flash EPR OM from Atmel.
Size: 32K (29C256), 128K(29C010), 512K(29C040)
Supported by RPBASIC
Expected life 3 to 5 years depending upon RAM size installed, temperature, and operating time.
Watchdog timer, reset
Watch dog timer resets C PU whe n enabled. Time between re sets is 380 ms or 2.8 seconds Push button reset. Exter nal reset through W10.
Power requireme nts
+ 5 ±5% at 95 ma operating.
Current consumption is less than 5 ma in IDLE 2 mode, all components installed.
Curr ent is less than 1 ma when analog and
Current consumption does not include any