Keyspan: Remote for iTunes - User Manual (Mac OS X & Windows)
Can I use irDA with the Keyspan Remote for iTunes?
The Keyspan Remote for iTunes uses an infrared technology called tvIR.
The tvIR technology is the same technology that is found in most standard television remote control units. tvIR is used to transmit small amounts of data (in comparison to irDA) over relatively long distances (i.e. across a room).
irDA is a different technology that is commonly used in desktop, laptop, and handheld computers to transmit large amounts of data (in comparison to tvIR) over small distances (i.e. across a desk).
Generally, the two technologies cannot communicate with each other. For example:
*the Remote for iTunes Receiver unit cannot be used to send or receive data via irDA to a irDA enabled computer
*the Remote for iTunes remote control cannot be use used to control an irDA enabled computer.
However, there are some cases where tvIR and irDA can communicate with each other. There are 3rd party programs that allow irDA enabled devices to learn and send tvIR commands (for example, OmniRemote for Palm handheld computers: http://www.pacificneotek.com/). This allows you to use irDA enabled device as a tvIR remote control. Using this software, you send tvIR commands to the Remote for iTunes Receiver unit so that you can control your computer in the same way that you do when using the Keyspan Remote for iTunes Remote control.
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan Remote for iTunes Software Version 2.3
Rev 2005jun01 | Page 26 |