Setup Codes For Audio Amplifiers
Carver | 0269 |
GE | 0078 |
JVC | 0331 |
Linn | 0269 |
Luxman | 0165 |
Magnavox | 0269 |
Marantz | 0321, 0269 |
Nakamichi | 0321 |
Philips | 0269 |
Polk Audio | 0269 |
Sansui | 0321 |
Soundesign | 0078 |
Victor | 0331 |
Wards | 0078 |
Yamaha | 0354 |
Setup Codes For Audio Receivers
ADC | 0531 |
Aiwa | 0158, 0189, 0405 |
Bose | 1229 |
Capetronic | 0531 |
Carver | 0189 |
Denon | 1360, 1104 |
Harman/Kardon | 0110, 0189 |
Integra | 0135 |
JBL | 0110 |
JVC | 0074 |
Kenwood | 1313, 1570, 0027, 1027 |
Linn | 0189 |
Magnavox | 0189, 0531 |
Marantz | 0189, 1039 |
MCS | 1039 |
Onkyo | 0135, 0842 |
Optimus | 1023, 0531 |
Panasonic | 1518 |
Panasonic | 1039 |
Philips | 0189, 1266 |
Pioneer | 1023, 0014, 1384, 0531 |
Polk Audio | 0189 |
Proscan | 1254 |
Quasar | 1039 |
RCA | 1023, 1254, 0531 |
Sansui | 0189 |
Sony | 1759, 0158, 1758 |
Stereophonics | 1023 |
Sunfire | 1313 |
Technics | 1308, 1518, 1039 |
Victor | 0074 |
Wards | 0158, 0189, 0014 |
Yamaha | 0176, 1176 |
Setup Codes For Cable Boxes
ABC | 0003, 0008, 0017 |
Director | 0476 |
General Instrument | 0476, 0276, 0003 |
GoldStar | 0144 |
Hamlin | 0009 |
Jerrold | 0476, 0276, 0003, 0012 |
Memorex | 0000 |
Motorola | 0476, 0276, 1376 |
MultiVision | 0012 |
Pace | 1877 |
Panasonic | 0000 |
Paragon | 0000 |
Pioneer | 0877, 1877, 0144, 0533 |
Pulsar | 0000 |
Quasar | 0000 |
Runco | 0000 |
Samsung | 0144 |
Scientific Atlanta | 0877, 1877, 0477, 0008, 0017 |
Starcom | 0003 |
Supercable | 0276 |
Setup Codes For Digital Video Disks
Anam | 1913 |
Apex Digital | 0672, 0717, 0794, 1915, 0755, |
| 0797, 0796 |
Blaupunkt | 0717 |
Blue Parade | 0571 |
Broksonic | 0695 |
Denon | 0490, 0634 |
DVD2000 | 0521 |
Emerson | 0591, 0821, 0675 |
Enterprise | 0591 |
Fisher | 0670 |
Funai | 0675 |
GE | 0522, 0717 |
Go Video | 0783, 0715 |
Greenhill | 0717 |
Harman/Kardon | 0582 |
Hitach | 0573, 0664 |
Hiteker | 0672 |
Initial | 0717 |
JVC | 0558, 0623, 0867 |
Kenwood | 0490, 0534, 0682 |
KLH | 0717 |
Koss | 0651 |
Lasonic | 0798 |
Magnavox | 0503, 0821, 0675, 1914 |
Marantz | 0539 |
Memorex | 0695 |
Microsoft | 0522 |
Mintek | 0717 |
Mitsubishi | 0521 |
Nesa | 0717 |
Onkyo | 0503 |
Oritron | 0651 |
Panasonic | 0490, 1490, 0632, 1907 |
Philips | 0503, 0539, 0854, 1914 |
Pioneer | 0525, 0571, 0632 |
Polk Audio | 0539 |
Proscan | 0522 |
Qwestar | 0651 |
RCA | 0522, 0571, 0717, 1022, 0822, |
| 1913, 1132 |
Rotel | 0623 |
Sampo | 0698 |
Samsung | 0490, 0573, 0820, 1932 |
Sansui | 0695 |
Sanyo | 0670, 0695 |
Sharp | 0630 |
Shinsonic | 0533 |
Sony | 0533, 0864, 1903, 1904 |
Superscan | 0821 |
Sylvania | 0821, 0675 |
Symphonic | 0675 |
Technics | 0490 |
Theta Digital | 0571 |
Toshiba | 0503, 1045, 0695 |
Urban Concepts | 0503 |
Xbox | 0522 |
Yamaha | 0490, 0539, 0545 |
Zenith | 0503, 0591 |
| |
Anam | 1913 |
Apex Digital | 1915 |
Koss | 0651 |
Oritron | 0651 |
Panasonic | 1907 |
Philips | 1914 |
Polk Audio | 0539 |
RCA | 1913 |
Samsung | 1932 |
Sony | 1904, 1903 |
Setup Codes For DVD Players
Anam | 1913 |
Apex Digital | 0672, 0717, 0755, 0794, 0796, |
| 0797, 1915 |
Blaupunkt | 0717 |
Blue Parade | 0571 |
Broksonic | 0695 |
DVD2000 | 0521 |
Denon | 0490, 0634 |
Emerson | 0591 |
Enterprise | 0591 |
Fisher | 0670 |
GE | 0522, 0717 |
Go Video | 0715, 0783 |
Gradiente | 0651 |
Greenhill | 0717 |
Harman/Kardon | 0582 |
Hitachi | 0573, 0664 |
Hiteker | 0672 |
IRT | 0783 |
JVC | 0558, 0623, 0867 |
KLH | 0717 |
Kenwood | 0490, 0534, 0682 |
Koss | 0651 |
Lasonic | 0798 |
Magnavox | 0503, 0675, 1914 |
Marantz | 0539 |
Microsoft | 0522 |
Mintek | 0717 |
Mitsubishi | 0521 |
Nesa | 0717 |
Onkyo | 0503 |
Oritron | 0651 |
Panasonic | 0490, 0632, 1490, 1907 |
Philips | 0503, 0539, 0854, 1914 |
Pioneer | 0525, 0571, 0632 |
Polk Audio | 0539 |
Proscan | 0522 |
Qwestar | 0651 |
RCA | 0522, 0571, 0717, 0822, 1022, |
| 1913 |
Rotel | 0623 |
Sampo | 0698 |
Samsung | 0573, 0820, 1932 |
Sansui | 0695 |
Sanyo | 0670, 0695 |
Sharp | 0630 |
Shinsonic | 0533 |
Sony | 0533, 0864, 1903, 1904 |
Sylvania | 0675, 0821 |
Technics | 0490 |
Theta Digital | 0571 |
Toshiba | 0503, 0695, 1045 |
Urban Concepts | 0503 |
XBox | 0522 |
Yamaha | 0490, 0539, 0545 |
Zenith | 0503, 0591 |
Setup Codes For
Anam | 1913 |
Apex Digital | 1915 |
Panasonic | 1907 |
Philips | 1914 |
RCA | 1913 |
Samsung | 1932 |
Sony | 1903, 1904 |
Setup Codes For PVRs (or DVRs)
Panasonic | 0616 |
Philips | 0618 |
ReplayTV | 0616 |
Sonic Blue | 0616 |
Sony | 0636 |
Tivo | 0618, 0636 |
Setup Codes For TVs
0003 | |
Admiral | 0093, 0463 |
Advent | 0761, 1933, 0842 |
Adventura | 0046 |
Aiko | 0092 |
Aiwa | 0701 |
Akai | 0702, 0030 |
Alaron | 0179 |
Albatron | 0843 |
Ambassador | 0177 |
America Action | 0180 |
Ampro | 0751 |
Anam | 0180 |
AOC | 0030, 0003 |
Apex Digital | 0748, 0765, 0879 |
Archer | 0003 |
Audiovox | 0451, 0180, 0092, 0003 |
Bell & Howell | 0154, 0016 |
Bradford | 0180 |
Broksonic | 0236, 0463, 0003 |
Candle | 0030, 0046, 0186, 0056 |
Carnivale | 0030 |
Carver | 0054 |
Celebrity | 0000 |
Celera | 0765 |
Changhong | 0765 |
Citizen | 0060, 0030, 0056, 0186, 0046, |
| 0092, 0280 |
Clarion | 0180 |
Concerto | 0056 |
Contec | 0180 |
Craig | 0180 |
Crosley | 0054 |
Crown | 0180 |
Curtis Mathes | 0047, 0054, 0154, 0451, 0093, |
| 0060, 0702, 0030, 0145, 0166, |
| 0466, 0056, 0016 |
CXC | 0180 |
Daewoo | 0451, 0092 |
Denon | 0145 |
Dumont | 0017 |
Durabrand | 0180, 0178, 0003 |
Dwin | 0720, 0774 |
Electroband | 0000 |
Elektra | 0017 |
Emerson | 0154, 0236, 0463, 0180, 0178, |
| 0171, 0282, 0179, 0280, 0038, |
| 0177 |
Envision | 0030 |
Fisher | 0154 |
Fujitsu | 0809, 0683, 0179 |
Funai | 0180, 0171, 0179 |
Futuretech | 0180 |
Gateway | 1756, 1755 |
GE | 0047, 0051, 0451, 0178, 0282, |
| 0027, 0021 |
Gibralter | 0017, 0030 |
GoldStar | 0030, 0178, 0001 |
Grunpy | 0180, 0179 |
Hallmark | 0178 |
Harley Davidson | 0179 |
Harman/Kardon | 0054 |
Harvard | 0180 |
Havermy | 0093 |
Hello Kitty | 0451 |
Himitsu | 0180 |
Hisense | 0748 |
Hitachi | 0145, 0016, 0056, 0038, 0151 |
Infinity | 0054 |
Inteq | 0017 |
Janeil | 0046 |
JBL | 0054 |
JCB | 0000 |
Jensen | 0761, 1933 |
JVC | 0053 |
KEC | 0180 |
Kenwood | 0030 |
KLH | 0765 |
Kloss | 0046 |
Konka | 0707 |
KTV | 0180, 0030, 0280 |
Logik | 0016 |
Luxman | 0056 |
LXI | 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178 |
Magnavox | 0054, 0030, 0706, 0186, 0179 |
Majestic | 0016 |
Marantz | 0054, 0030 |
Matsushita | 0250 |
Megatron | 0178, 0145, 0003 |
Memorex | 0154, 0463, 0150, 0178, 0179, |
| 0016 |
MGA | 0150, 0030, 0178 |
Midland | 0047, 0017, 0051 |
Minutz | 0021 |
Mitsubishi | 0093, 0150, 0178 |
Monivision | 0843 |
Motorola | 0093 |
MTC | 0060, 0030, 0056 |
Multitech | 0180 |
NAD | 0156, 0178 |
NEC | 0030, 0497, 0056 |
Nikko | 0030, 0178, 0092 |
Norcent | 0748 |
NTC | 0092 |
Onwa | 0180 |
Optimus | 0154, 0250, 0166 |
Optonica | 0093, 0165 |
Orion | 0236, 0463, 0179 |
Panasonic | 0250, 0051 |
Penney | 0047, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0030, |
| 0178, 0003, 0027, 0021 |
Philco | 0054, 0030 |
Philips | 0054, 0690 |
Pilot | 0030 |
Pioneer | 0166, 0038 |
Portland | 0092 |
Prima | 0761, 1933 |
Prism | 0051 |
Proscan | 0047 |
Proton | 0178, 0003, 0466 |
Pulsar | 0017 |
Quasar | 0250, 0051, 0165 |
RadioShack | 0047, 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, |
| 0165, 0056 |
RCA | 0047, 0038, 0090 |
Realistic | 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0165, |
| 0056 |
Runco | 0017, 0030, 0603, 0497 |
Sampo | 0030, 1755 |
Samsung | 0060, 0702, 0030, 0178, 0056 |
Sansui | 0463 |
Sanyo | 0154 |
Scotch | 0178 |
Scott | 0236, 0180, 0178, 0179 |
Sears | 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178, |
| 0171, 0056, 0179 |
Sharp | 0093, 0165 |
Sheng Chia | 0093 |
Signature | 0016 |
Simpson | 0186 |
Sony | 0000, 0111 |
Soundesign | 0180, 0178, 0186, 0179 |
Spectricon | 0003 |
Squareview | 0171 |
SSS | 0180 |
Starlite | 0180 |
Studio Experience | 0843 |
0046 | |
Supreme | 0000 |
SVA | 0748, 0865 |
Sylvania | 0054, 0030, 0171 |
Symphonic | 0180, 0171 |
Tandy | 0093 |
Tatung | 0003, 1756 |
Technics | 0250, 0051 |
Technol Ace | 0179 |
Techwood | 0051, 0003, 0056 |
Teknika | 0054, 0180, 0150, 0060, 0056, |
| 0186, 0092, 0016, 0179 |
Telefunken | 0702, 0056 |
TMK | 0178, 0056, 0177 |
TNCi | 0017 |
Toshiba | 0154, 0156, 0060 |
TVS | 0463 |
Universal | 0027 |
Vector Research | 0030 |
Victor | 0053 |
Vidikron | 0054 |
Vidtech | 0178 |
Viewsonic | 1755 |
Viking | 0046 |
Wards | 0054, 0030, 0178, 0021, 0165, |
| 0016, 0111, 0179, 0027, 0056 |
Waycon | 0156 |
White Westinghouse | 0463 |
Yamaha | 0030 |
Zenith | 0017, 0463, 0178, 0016, 0092 |
Zonda | 0003 |
Setup Codes For VCRs
And TV/VCR Combos
Admiral | 0048, 0209 |
Adventura | 0000 |
Aiwa | 0037, 0000 |
American High | 0035 |
Asha | 0240 |
Audiovox | 0037 |
Beaumark | 0240 |
Bell & Howell | 0104 |
Broksonic | 0184, 0209, 1479 |
Calix | 0037 |
Canon | 0035 |
Carver | 0081 |
Citizen | 0037, 1278 |
Craig | 0037, 0047, 0240 |
Curtis Mathes | 0060, 0035, 0162, 1035 |
Cybernex | 0240 |
Daewoo | 0045, 1278 |
Denon | 0042 |
Durabrand | 0039 |
Dynatech | 0000 |
Electrohome | 0037 |
Electrophonic | 0037 |
Emerex | 0032 |
Emerson | 0037, 0184, 0000, 0043, 0209, |
| 1479, 1278 |
Fisher | 0047, 0104 |
Fuji | 0035 |
Funai | 0000 |
Garrard | 0000 |
GE | 0060, 0035, 0240, 0807, 1060, |
| 1035 |
GoldStar | 0037, 1237 |
Gradiente | 0000 |
Harley Davidson | 0000 |
Harman/Kardon | 0081 |
0047 | |
Hitachi | 0000, 0042 |
Hughes Network | 0042 |
Systems |
JVC | 0067 |
KEC | 0037 |
Kenwood | 0067 |
Kodak | 0035, 0037 |
Lloyd's | 0000 |
LXI | 0037 |
Magnasonic | 1278 |
Magnavox | 0035, 0039, 0081, 0000, 1781 |
Magnin | 0240 |
Marantz | 0035, 0081 |
Marta | 0037 |
Matsushita | 0035, 0162 |
MEI | 0035 |
Memorex | 0035, 0162, 0037, 0048, 0039, |
| 0047, 0240, 0000, 0104, 0209, |
| 1237 |
MGA | 0240, 0043 |
MGN Technology | 0240 |
Minolta | 0042 |
Mitsubishi | 0067, 0043, 0807 |
Motorola | 0035, 0048 |
MTC | 0240, 0000 |
Multitech | 0000 |
NEC | 0104, 0067 |
Nikko | 0037 |
Noblex | 0240 |
Olympus | 0035 |
Optimus | 0162, 0037, 0048, 0104 |
Orion | 0184, 0209, 1479 |
Panasonic | 0035, 0162, 1035, 0616, 0225 |
Penney | 0035, 0037, 0240, 0042, 1237, |
| 1035 |
Pentax | 0042 |
Philco | 0035 |
Philips | 0035, 0081, 0618 |
Pilot | 0037 |
Pioneer | 0067 |
Polk Audio | 0081 |
Profitronic | 0240 |
Proscan | 0060, 1060 |
Pulsar | 0039 |
Quasar | 0035, 0162, 1035 |
RadioShack | 0000 |
Radix | 0037 |
Randex | 0037 |
RCA | 0060, 0240, 0042, 1035, 0807, |
| 1060 |
Realistic | 0035, 0037, 0048, 0047, 0000, |
| 0104 |
ReplayTV | 0616 |
Runco | 0039 |
Samsung | 0240, 0045 |
Sanky | 0048, 0039 |
Sansui | 0000, 0067, 0209, 1479 |
Sanyo | 0047, 0240, 0104 |
Scott | 0184, 0045, 0043 |
Sears | 0035, 0037, 0047, 0000, 0042, |
| 0104, 1237 |
Sharp | 0048, 0807 |
Shogun | 0240 |
Sonic Blue | 0616 |
Sony | 0035, 0032, 0000, 0636, 1232 |
STS | 0042 |
Sylvania | 0035, 0081, 0000, 0043, 1781 |
Symphonic | 0000 |
Teac | 0000 |
Technics | 0035, 0162 |
Teknika | 0035, 0037, 0000 |
Thomas | 0000 |
Tivo | 0618, 0636 |
TMK | 0240 |
Toshiba | 0045, 0043 |
Totevision | 0037, 0240 |
Unitech | 0240 |
Vector | 0045 |
Video Concepts | 0045 |
Videomagic | 0037 |
Videosonic | 0240 |
Villain | 0000 |
Wards | 0060, 0035, 0048, 0047, 0081, |
| 0240, 0000, 0042 |
White Westinghouse | 0209 |
0035, 0000 | |
Zenith | 0039, 0000, 0209, 1479 |
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