22 V-Chip
Movie Ratings
In addition to ratings information about television programs, your TV can also block programming based on Movie Rating information. This is the rating system you will most often find on premium cable movie channels or on
❒G – General Audience.
In the opinion of the review board, these films contain nothing in the way of sexual content, violence, or language that would be unsuitable for audiences of any age.
❒PG – Parental Guidance.
Parental Guidance means the movie may contain some contents such as mild violence, some brief nudity, and strong language. The contents are not deemed intense.
❒R – Restricted.
These films contain material that is explicit in nature and is not recommended for unsupervised children under the age of 17.
❒NC-17 – No One Under 17.
These movies contain content which most parents would feel is too adult for their children to view. Content can consist of strong language, nudity, violence, and suggestive or explicit subject matter.
❒X – No One under 18.
Inappropriate material for anyone under 18.
Directions to Set Movie Ratings:
To set a maximum allowed movie rating:
To the Movie Rating column
To activate
To select the maximum rating
All movies rated at or above the rating you have set will be blocked. To watch a blocked movie, enter the passcode when it is requested onscreen. You may change your Movie Ratings preference whenever you wish.
In order for
You can automatically unblock all of your restrictions by turning