DS0 Wholesale Local Platform Service
Acronyms | Definition |
OSPE | Outside Plant Engineering |
OSS | Operational Support Systems |
PCS | Prestige® Communications Service |
PIU | Percent Interstate Usage |
PLF | Percent Local Facility |
PLU | Percent Local Usage |
POP | Point of Presence |
PTD | Plant Test Date |
RD | Resistance Design |
RSOS | Regional Service Order Standards |
RT | Remote terminal |
S&E | Service & Equipment |
SAC | Service Advocacy Center |
SAW | Service Assurance Warranty |
SI | Service Inquiry |
SIG | Service Installation Guarantee |
SL1 | Service Level One |
SL2 | Service Level Two |
SMAS | Special Access Maintenance Service |
SONET | Synchronous Optical Network |
SPID | Service Profile Identifier |
SWC | Serving Wire Center |
TAFI | Trouble Analysis Facilitation System |
T&M | Time and Materials |
TCAP | Transaction Capabilities Application Part |
TELRIC | Total Element Long Run Incremental Cost |
TOS | Type of Service |
UC | Channelization |
UCL | Unbundled Copper Loop |
UCL/L | Unbundled Copper Loop - Long |
UCL/S | Unbundled Copper Loop – Short |
UDL | Unbundled Digital loop |
UIT | Unbundled Interoffice Transport |
ULC | Local Channel |
ULL | Local Loop |
ULM | Unbundled Loop Modification |
ULS | Unbundled Local Switching |
UNEC | Unbundled Network Elements Center |
UNTW | Unbundled Network Terminating Wire |
UPS | Unbundled Packet Switching |
USL | Unbundled |
| Unbundled |
Unbundled | |
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BellSouth Interconnection Services | 20 |
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