The status information of the cameras or machine will show up, and be located at different places on the screen.
1. Channel tag
2. Event sign
3. Select sign
2. Event sign
4. Play status bar
5. Record status bar
Channel tag: A channel tag indicates the channel name of the screen.
Event sign: Event signals which are small icons with a capital letter and red background show the
events on each screen. There are 4 different signals which are
A: Alarm event. The alarm place where the camera locates. In order to show the camera video to a corresponding alarm, setting a FOCUS CAMERA in ALARM
SETUP MENU is necessary.
M: Motion event. Motion event only shows up when the camera’s MOTION is enabled in MOTION SETUP MENU, and the camera detects a motion.
V: Video loss event. Video loss event only shows when the camera’s VLOSS is enabled in VLOSS SETUP MENU, and the camera signal is lost.
S: Sequence sign. Sequence sign shows up when the display is in the sequence mode.
The sequence display is located on display with a “*” sign in the last display of the screen.
The S sign will replace “*” sign in the display when sequence occurs.
Note: Sequence mode is unavailable only in