Receiver Email 2: Input the second
Receiver Email 3: Input the third
Email Subject: Input email subject.
DDNS Server: Select either “EverfocusDDNS” or “” as the DDNS provider. If DDNS will not be used, simply select “Disable”.
Figure 4-24 EverfocusDDNS
DVR Name: Input the desired name for the DVR
Register/Update: Click the button to submit and register the name to the Everfocus server.
The DDNS name you choose must be unique; that is, it must not already be in use. Please go to the website and check that the name you wish to use is available.
PLEASE NOTE: The name of the DVR cannot include a space, or a dot (period) or any special characters particularly ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + < > " ; : . , _
In the DVR’s Network Menu above, go to DDNS. Choose “” for the Server and put in your chosen name (verified available and without special characters) for DVR Name/hostname.
Press the Select or Submit/Update button to synchronize the DVR with the DDNS server. You should see an indication of “Success” on the screen. If you see “Could Not Find Server” or any other error message