34 en User interface | Video Recording Manager |
VRM Server checks all 60 minutes, whether recordings are available that has exceeded the maximum and the minimum retention time. This data is deleted.
Minimum retention time (days)
Recordings cannot be deleted until this value is exceeded.
This value is stored when the data is written to the disk. It cannot be changed afterwards. If changed, only new recordings are affected.
Note: If you configure a minimum retention time that needs more disk space than available, recording stops until the configured minimum retention time is exceeded.
Activate this option to avoid accidental changing of the retention time values.
12.13Privileges tab
Main window > Cameras tab > Service
The Privileges tab is displayed for each camera. This is where access privileges are granted for the camera in line with the VRM user groups.
This is where you can revoke access privileges to this camera for members of a user group. These users will then no longer see the camera in question in the camera lists in VRM Monitor and Bosch Video Client. They do not have access to the camera itself or to the associated recordings.
In the default setting, all user groups have access privileges to all cameras.
12.14Advanced tab
Main window > Devices tab > > Service > Advanced tab
Activate the different logs for VRM Server and Configuration Manager, and specify the retention time for log files in days.
The log files for VRM Server are stored on the computer on which VRM Server has been started, and can be viewed or downloaded with VRM Monitor.
The log files for Configuration Manager are stored locally in the following directory: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\My Documents\Bosch\Video Recording Manager\Log
Complete memory dump file
Only activate this option if necessary, for example if the Technical Customer Service team requests a complete summary of the main memory.
Telnet support
Activate this option if access with the Telnet protocol is to be supported. Only activate if necessary.
Extensive logging requires considerable CPU power and HDD capacity.
Do not use extensive logging in continuous operation.
12.15License tab
Main window > Devices tab > > Service > License tab
Provides information on your license.
12.16Assignment tab (Video Streaming Gateway)
Main window > Devices tab > Expand > Expand
Devices > Video Streaming Gateway device > Assignment tab
2012.05 v1 DOC | Software Manual | Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH |