Architect & Engineer Specification | AMERICAN DYNAMICS |
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PART 1.05 – SUBMITTALS, and must be obtained within the time frames outlined.
A.The Network Video Recorder shall be
A.General: Submittals shall be made in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract and Submittal Procedures Section.
B.Shop Drawings and Schematics: Shall depict the Network Video Recorder in final proposed “as built” configuration. The following must be provided:
1.Connection diagrams for interfacing equipment.
2.List of connected equipment.
3.Locations for all major equipment components to be installed under this specification.
C.Product Data: The following shall be provided:
1.Technical data sheets.
2.A complete set of instruction manuals.
D.Quality Assurance Submittals: The following shall be submitted:
1.Checkout Report: The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a checkout report for each Network Video Recorder. The report shall include:
a.A complete list of every device.
b.The date it was tested, and by whom.
c.If retested, the date it was retested, and by whom.
d.The final test report shall indicate that every device was tested successfully.
2.Manufacturer’s Instructions: The Contractor shall deliver TBD sets of System Operation and Maintenance Manuals (if available) to the Owner.
VideoEdge® Network Video Recorder | 2 of 20 |