RMD, Appendix R
The RMD does not have to be powered up in any order with respect to the M20(s) or the CADI for it to work properly. The power switch is located on the left side of the RMD’s back panel.
When the RMD is powered up, the track number indicators at the bottom of each meter will light with the appropriate track number (tracks
Levels for 32 M20 tracks are displayed using a
For information about setting the meter display parameters, refer to the M20 manual Chapter 7.
The RMD can have up to 4 M20s connected, and each M20 has its own "A" indicator (yellow LED) and "B" indicator (red LED) located in the center section between the meter groups. Each A and B indicator set is labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, and corresponds to the MACHINE 1, 2, 3, and 4 connections on the back panel of the RMD.
“A” Indicators (Yellow LEDs)
The A indicator will light every time an interpolation error is detected on the designated M20. This is the same as the red "ERROR" indicator lighting on the M20display between the two counters. This indicates that there is a problem reading from the tape and the digital audio error correction system was not able to correct it, and performed an interpolation.
Minor occasional flashes of the A indicator are normal. However, constant flashing means:
∙The heads are dirty and must be cleaned, or
∙The tape has dropouts and should be backed up onto a new tape as soon as possible.
For a more accurate diagnosis, check the error rate counter in the display of the M20 whose indicator is flashing with a known “benchmark” tape (see section 4.11 of the M20 manual).
See Section 13.20 of the M20 Manual for more information about the error rate counter, and contact your Alesis dealer for information about tape care, head maintenance and cleaning.