>796\VWHP@ - Change this setting if the video does not appear correctly. By default, this setting matches the most common setting for TVs in your country.
>176&@ - For
>79'LVSOD\@ - Select a display format with which you want the picture to appear on the TV.
>3DQ6FDQ@ - For 4:3 screen TV: full- height display with the trimmed sides.
>/HWWHU%R[@ - For 4:3 screen TV: wide screen display with black bars on the top and bottom.
>:LGH6FUHHQ@ - For
>$XWR@ - Detect and select the best display format supported by your TV.
>&RPSRQHQW@ - Select the video output that matches the video connection between this product and the TV.
>3URJUHVVLYH@ - If a progressive scan TV is connected to this product, select the progressive scan mode.
For more detailed description, see “Get started” > “Turn on progressive scan”.
>3LFWXUH6HWWLQJ@6HOHFWDSUHGHÀQHGVHW of picture color settings or customize the personal setting.
>6WDQGDUG@ - Original color setting. >%ULJKW@ - Vibrant color setting. >6RIW@ - Warm color setting.
>'LJLWDO2XWSXW@ - This setting is only required if you have connected the digital output jack &2$;,$/RIWKLVSURGXFWWRDQDPSOLÀHU receiver for audio output.
>3&0@ - Select this setting if the connected device does not support
>5$:@ - Select this setting if the connected device supports
>2II@ - Disable the digital audio output. Select this setting if the analog audio jacks of this product is connected to a TV or stereo system.
>$QDORJXH2XWSXW@ - Select an analogue setting based on the audio device that is connected through the analogue audio jack $8',2/5
>6WHUHR@ - For the stereo output.
>/757@ - For the surround sound output through two speakers.
>+'0,$XGLR@ - Select the HDMI audio setting when you connect this product and the TV with an HDMI cable.
>2Q@ - Allow audio output through the TV and the speaker system. If the audio format on the disc is not supported, it will be downmixed to
>2II@ - Disable the audio output from HDMI devices connected to this player.
>5HVROXWLRQ@ - Select a video resolution that is compatible with the TV display capability.
>$XWR@ - Detect and select the best supported video resolution automatically.
>L@, >S@, >L@, >S@, >S@, >L@, >S@ - Select a video resolution that is best supported by the TV.
>(DV\/LQN@7XUQRQRIIDOO(DV\/LQNIHDWXUHV >2QH7RXFK3OD\@ - Turn on or off the feature
When EasyLink is enabled, press .
»This product turns on.
»7KH79LIWKH79VXSSRUWVRQHWRXFKSOD\ automatically turns on and switches to the
>2QH7RXFK6WDQGE\@ - Turn on or off the feature of
When EasyLink is enabled, press and hold for at least three seconds.
»All connected HDMI CEC compliant devices switch to standby mode.
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