Philips DTP4800 user manual TV/Radio settings, Kdqqho@, KDQQHO6HDUFK@, Qrwlàfdwlrq

Page 17


‡Use this product’s DivX registration code when you rent


‡The DivX videos rented or purchased through the DivX®

92' 9LGHR2Q'HPDQG VHUYLFHFDQEHSOD\HGRQO\RQ the device to which it is registered.

‡ >$QJOH0DUN@ - Turn on or off angle mark display.

‡ >3%&@ - Turn on or off the content menu of 9&'V69&'VZLWK3%& SOD\EDFNFRQWURO  feature.

‡ >2Q@ - Display the index menu when you load a disc for play.

‡ >2II@ - Skip the menu and start play from WKHÀUVWWUDFN

TV/Radio settings


‡Before you can access >795DGLR6HWWLQJ@, you must switch to >/LYH79@ or >'9%75DGLR@ mode.


» The home menu is displayed.

Select >6\VWHP6HWWLQJ@, then press 2..

3 Select >795DGLR6HWWLQJ@, then press 2..

4Select an option, then press .

5Select a setting, then press 2..

‡ To return to the previous menu, press


‡ To exit the menu, press .





‡ >$XWR@ - Sort the channels according to the automatic search.

‡ >%\1DPH@ - Sort the channels by the channel names in the alphabetical order.

‡ >%\6HUYLFH,'@ - Sort the channels according to the service type of the channels.


‡ >$XWRPDWLF6HDUFK@ - Search and store DXWRPDWLFDOO\DOOWKHDYDLODEOH79UDGLR channels. This option overwrites all preset channels.

1.Select >$XWRPDWLF6HDUFK@, then press 2..

2.Select >2.@ and press 2. to start auto search.

‡ >0DQXDO6HDUFK@ - Search and store manually the available channels. This option adds new channels without changing the current channels list.

1.Select >0DQXDO6HDUFK@, then press 2..

2.Select a channel frequency in the channel list, then press 2. to start search.

‡ >$XWR&KDQQHO8SGDWH@ - Update automatically the channels.

‡ >2Q ZLWKQRWLÀFDWLRQ @ - Enable the automatic channel update with


‡ >2Q ZLWKRXWQRWLÀFDWLRQ @ - Enable the automatic channel update without


‡ >2II@ - Disable the automatic channel update.


‡ >&KDQQHO/RFN@ - Enable or disable the selected channels for restricted viewing. ‡ ><HV@ - Enable the channel lock.

‡ >1R@ - Disable the channel lock. To activate this setting, enter “0000” or the last set password.

‡ >3DUHQWDO6HWWLQJ@ - Lock channels for restricted viewing.

1.Select >3DUHQWDO6HWWLQJ@, then press 2..

2.Press the Numeric buttons to enter “0000” or the last set password.

3.Select a program name, then press 2. to lock.


‡ >&RXQWU\@ - Select the country of your residence.

‡ >7LPH2IIVHW$GMXVWPHQW@ - Select to adjust automatically or manually the GMT time offset.

‡ >7LPH=RQH@ - Select a GMT time offset if you have set >7LPH2IIVHW$GMXVWPHQW@ to manual.

‡ >$QWHQQD3RZHU@ - Enable the antenna power if an external antenna is connected.

( Q J O L V K


Image 17
Contents  DTP4800Register your product and get support at HEUXLNVDDQZLMLQJ$65 $87,21 Ć6.$538%/,.$$7,21 INSIDE, Near the Deck Mechanism WdoldContents $ERXW3URJUHVVLYH6FDQ 6DIHW\DQGLPSRUWDQWQRWLFHBatteries Copyright noticePlayable media Remote control3URGXFWRYHUYLHZ Region codesConnectTV antenna Connect‡ $FFHVVWKHPHQXRIFUHDWLQJ03ÀOHV ‡ 6NLSSOD\WRDVSHFLÀFSRLQWProduct ‡ the antenna input on the TV YLGHRMDFNV79  2SWLRQ&RQQHFWWRWKH+0,MDFNPrepare the remote control Connect powerGet started RQQHFW86%ÁDVKGULYH8VHWKH+RPHPHQX LUVWWLPHVHWXS6HOHFWPHQXGLVSOD\ODQJXDJH 7XUQRQSURJUHVVLYHVFDQUse the program edit table WatchTVUse on-screen guide $GMXVWFKDQQHOVHTXHQFH 9LHZIDYRULWHFKDQQHOVDelete a channel » DY2Q@ IDYRULWHRQ LVGLVSOD\HGPlay a disc Play3OD\IURP86%GHYLFH 3OD\YLGHRPlay photo Play music2WKHUIHDWXUHV General settingsUHDWH03ÀOHV 9LHZÀOHVE\W\SH$XGLR6HWXS@ 9LGHR6HWXS@+0,6HWXS@ Pr FRQQHFWLRQXVWRP6HWXS@ 86%VHWWLQJV3UHIHUHQFH6HWXS@ KDQQHO@ TV/Radio settingsKDQQHO6HDUFK@ QRWLÀFDWLRQCare 8SGDWHVRIWZDUHPicture Main unitPlay 6RXQG1RDXGLRRXWSXWIURPWKH79 1RVRXQGGXULQJLYYLGHRSOD\EDFNGNU General Public License ECosDXWKRULWDWLYHGHÀQLWLRQRIWKHREOLJDWLRQV 138GNU General Public License 139 Questions and answersPreamble 18*15$/38%/,&/,&16 Version 2, JuneUHÁHFWRQWKHRULJLQDODXWKRUV·UHSXWDWLRQV 18*15$/38%/,&/,&16LQWHUFKDQJHRU DQQRXQFHPHQW PHGLXPFXVWRPDULO\XVHGIRUVRIWZDUHLQWHUFKDQJHRU 141142 How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs No Warranty235,*+7+2/525$127+53$57+20$02,$1255,675,%87 143Signature of Ty Coon, 1 April Ty Coon, President of Vice OLEJFFGNU Library General Public License 144UHÁHFWRQWKHRULJLQDODXWKRUV·UHSXWDWLRQV 146 7KHPRGLÀHGZRUNPXVWLWVHOIEHDVRIWZDUHOLEUDU\PXVWVWLOOFRPSXWHVTXDUHURRWV  UHYHUVHHQJLQHHULQJIRUGHEXJJLQJVXFKPRGLÀFDWLRQV148 UHFRPSLOHWKHDSSOLFDWLRQWRXVHWKHPRGLÀHGGHÀQLWLRQV 149 235,*+7+2/525$127+53$57+20$02,$1255,675,%877+Party has Been Advised of the Possibility of Such Damages RS\ULJKW & \HDU!QDPHRIDXWKRU Appendix How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries