Philips TS1000 manual RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ

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are known to lack discrete codes, please see this page on Remote Central.

The most common places discrete codes are employed are in automatic input switch macros assigned to devices or system power macros. For instance, if you have discrete codes each time you change the Pronto from "VCR 1" to "DVD" you can have the remote automatically set the inputs on both the television and receiver. This is great for other family members who may have difficulty keeping both the television and receiver in sync.

RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ


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Contents Version 1.09d November 1 French v1.07i JapaneseFor more information visit Using The Remote Remote Communications Custom Bitmaps V1.09d, November 1 A1−01 Briefly, what is the Philips Pronto remote? A1−04 Where can I go to buy one?Section A1 Hardware Questions General Description A1−02 How many brands and models are there?A1−06 What is the Pronto NG and ProntoPro NG? A1−05 What are the ProntoNEO and RC3200?Section A2 Hardware Questions Physical Characteristics A2−01 What are the hardware differences between models?A2−05 How large is the remote? A2−04 What processor does the Pronto use?A2−06 How big is the screen? A2−07 How many colors can the screen display? A2−08 Can I put a different/better display into the Pronto?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section A3 Hardware Questions Basic Hardware Operation A3−01 What frequencies can the remote learn?A3−03 Can the Pronto work with RF equipment? A3−05 How can I control my X−10 system?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section A4 Hardware Questions Using the Remote A4−02 Ive got a TSU2000. Why does my TV keep turning off?A4−03 Why is the Revert button grayed out? A4−04 I hear theres a hidden game on the remote?∙ Left = Left ∙ Right = Right ∙ VOL− = Down∙ Press Power ∙ Press Standby On the Yamaha RAV−2000This tip applies only to European Pronto remotes A4−07 Why do my Device and Macro Menu buttons not work?This tip applies only to the Marantz series of remotes A4−08 What happened to my Mode button? A4−09 What happened to the Macro Menus REC command?A5−05 Why is my desktop chargers light blinking? Section A5 Hardware Questions Batteries & Docking StationA5−01 Should I buy the docking station for my remote? A5−03 How often should I recharge the remote?This tip only applies to black & white remotes Following applies to the remote models excluded aboveA5−07 My ProntoPros docking station is dead. Help Section A6 Hardware Questions Diagnosis and Repair A6−02 My remote is rebooting all the time... helpA6−01 My remote is dead! What can I try to fix it? A6−04 How do I connect to the remote with Hyperterminal? A6−05 What can I do if my buttons stop working?A6−08 Can I buy spare parts for the Pronto? A6−07 Why does the screens contrast keep changing?A6−09 Whats that buzzing sound I can hear? A6−10 What else can I do to troubleshoot random problems? This tip does not apply to the Philips ProntoProSection B1 Working With ProntoEdit General Description B1−01 Briefly, what does the software allow me to do?B1−04 Can I take screen captures of my file? B1−05 How can I change the program that opens CCF files?Not compatible with files from RC5000 Setup v2.0 or newer Not compatible with Touch Screen Setup large screen filesNot compatible with RCEdit large screen files Not compatible with ProntoProEdit filesAll Philips Pronto users See the above instructions for newer ProntoEdit filesAll Yamaha RAV−2000 users RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ B2−01 What are the current software versions? Section B2 Working With ProntoEdit Software & FirmwareOnkyo Chad USR−5RF App v1.2 / Sys All Philips Pronto Models Philips Pronto TSU2000 & ProntoPro TSU6000All Marantz RC5000 Models Onkyo Chad USR−5RFSection B3 Working With ProntoEdit Remote Communications B3−01 Where can I get a serial cable for the Pronto?With RC5000 software Virtual PC preferences WindowsB3−06 Why cant I get my computer to talk to the Pronto? B3−05 Can I hook the Pronto up to a USB port?Section B4 Working With ProntoEdit Learning & Infrared Now heres a somewhat dirty code. Notice the repetitionB4−05 Why wont my buttons work twice in a row? B4−02 Why wont my codes repeat when held down?B4−03 What does 0000, 8000, etc. mean in a hex code? ProntoEdit v4.0 and newer ProntoEdit v1.05 or earlier & RC5000 SetupThis tip applies only to ProntoEdit v1.05 or older B4−08 Why wont just tapping the button always work? B4−09 Test IR doesnt always work right. Why?Section B5 Working With ProntoEdit Discrete Codes B5−01 What are discrete codes?B5−02 How do I find or create them? B5−03 How can I use them?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section B6 Working With ProntoEdit Managing CCF Files B6−01 What are CCF files?B6−02 What does CCF stand for? This tip applies only to ProntoEdit v2.0 or newerB6−06 Why cant I open the CCF file I downloaded? B6−07 How can I best merge CCF files?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section B7 Working With ProntoEdit Designing Layouts B7−05 How do I add plain text to panels? B7−06 Can I add more FONTs to the Pronto?B7−07 How can I group buttons together? B7−10 How do I define a custom grid? B7−11 What keyboard shortcuts are there? Section B8 Working With ProntoEdit Macros This tip does not apply to RC5000 Setup B8−06 Can I have delays shorter than 0.1 seconds?B8−05 Can I use more than one page jump in a macro? B8−09 Why are some of my macro commands not being received? B8−07 Can I change the default delay time from 0.1 seconds?B8−10 How can I handle switching Video Inputs? Section B9 Working With ProntoEdit Custom Bitmaps B9−03 Can I use transparent or animated bitmap files? B9−04 Why are my bitmaps/icons truncated?B9−05 How can I create a really large gallery file? RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ B10−01 How can I optimize memory usage? Section B10 Working With ProntoEdit Memory OptimizationB10−02 What are aliases and how are they used? B10−03 General ProntoEdit & RC5000 Setup Tips B10−04 What exactly does the CCF Optimizer utility do?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section B11 Working With ProntoEdit Other Functions RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ B12−01 Why do my RF codes not work? Section B12 Working With ProntoEdit Problem DiagnosisExit ProntoEdit My Pronto Configuration.ccf B12−07 Im getting an error with MFC42.DLL. What can I do?Mypron~1.ccf My Pront.ccfB12−08 In ProntoEdit v2.0, why cant I edit hex codes? Developer=1This is no longer a problem with ProntoEdit v3.0 and newer Universalsize=960