Philips TS1000 manual B4−08 Why wont just tapping the button always work?

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The password is 75a9024024cd1. You will need to use Microsoft Access 97 or newer to access the file.

What you can do with it is create a database of infrared codes that are always available. However, this is a lot of work and most people who try decide it is not worth the effort.

Note that this feature has been removed in all current versions of ProntoEdit, ProntoProEdit and RAVedit.

B4−08 Why won't just tapping the button always work?

IR Codes sent from a macro are always sent a small number of times. The reason for this is that some equipment needs to receive the same code a few times in succession before it will respond. That's why just tapping the button during normal use may not work −− the Pronto only has enough time to send the code once or twice before your finger is lifted, which is not enough time for the equipment to consider it valid.

Try creating a new button containing several aliases to the button with the IR code you're having trouble with. In addition, some equipment still may require even a longer "hold" time for macros. As there is no way to set the length of time a code is sent, you will need to experiment with aliasing the same code several times. If this does not work you can try hacking the code in IR Tool (more help on that may be obtained on Remote Central's Pronto Forum).

RC5000 Users: In addition, the firmware included with RC5000 Setup v2.0 and newer has changed the minimum number of signal repeats to fewer than employed in earlier versions of the software. Owners of Sony and Mitsubishi equipment may discover that they need to "hold" the button instead of merely tapping it before their equipment will respond. The simple solution to this is to make the button into a fake macro. Macros always send each command a minimum number of times, so by inserting a

0.1second delay before each signal you can operate more reliably and still maintain "quick touch" buttons.

To avoid the 0.1 second delay, do the same thing but with an empty button:

1.Create a button somewhere in your configuration, but do not assign any command to it.

2.Before each of the troublesome buttons, add an alias to this new button.

Now, each time you press the button, the remote will completely ignore the first step −− since the aliased button does nothing −− but still send the second step, your signal, the proper number of times. Note that repeating codes (buttons that hold down, such as 'fast forward') will no longer operate in that manner. When this problem is finally fixed you can remove all aliases to the fake button and restore repeating codes simply by deleting the empty button.

B4−09 "Test IR" doesn't always work right. Why?

The "Test IR" function, and sending of signals to the real Pronto while the emulator is running, operates most reliably when the Pronto's screen is active. However, it is suggested that you do not use this function for timing macros and other functions since it does not accurately reflect how the Pronto will truly operate.

RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ


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Contents For more information visit French v1.07i JapaneseVersion 1.09d November 1 Using The Remote Remote Communications Custom Bitmaps V1.09d, November 1 Section A1 Hardware Questions General Description A1−01 Briefly, what is the Philips Pronto remote?A1−04 Where can I go to buy one? A1−02 How many brands and models are there?A1−06 What is the Pronto NG and ProntoPro NG? A1−05 What are the ProntoNEO and RC3200?Section A2 Hardware Questions Physical Characteristics A2−01 What are the hardware differences between models?A2−06 How big is the screen? A2−04 What processor does the Pronto use?A2−05 How large is the remote? A2−07 How many colors can the screen display? A2−08 Can I put a different/better display into the Pronto?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ A3−03 Can the Pronto work with RF equipment? Section A3 Hardware Questions Basic Hardware OperationA3−01 What frequencies can the remote learn? A3−05 How can I control my X−10 system?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section A4 Hardware Questions Using the Remote A4−02 Ive got a TSU2000. Why does my TV keep turning off?∙ Left = Left ∙ Right = Right A4−03 Why is the Revert button grayed out?A4−04 I hear theres a hidden game on the remote? ∙ VOL− = Down∙ Press Power ∙ Press Standby On the Yamaha RAV−2000This tip applies only to the Marantz series of remotes A4−07 Why do my Device and Macro Menu buttons not work?This tip applies only to European Pronto remotes A4−08 What happened to my Mode button? A4−09 What happened to the Macro Menus REC command?A5−01 Should I buy the docking station for my remote? A5−05 Why is my desktop chargers light blinking?Section A5 Hardware Questions Batteries & Docking Station A5−03 How often should I recharge the remote?A5−07 My ProntoPros docking station is dead. Help Following applies to the remote models excluded aboveThis tip only applies to black & white remotes A6−01 My remote is dead! What can I try to fix it? A6−02 My remote is rebooting all the time... helpSection A6 Hardware Questions Diagnosis and Repair A6−04 How do I connect to the remote with Hyperterminal? A6−05 What can I do if my buttons stop working?A6−09 Whats that buzzing sound I can hear? A6−07 Why does the screens contrast keep changing?A6−08 Can I buy spare parts for the Pronto? A6−10 What else can I do to troubleshoot random problems? This tip does not apply to the Philips ProntoProB1−04 Can I take screen captures of my file? Section B1 Working With ProntoEdit General DescriptionB1−01 Briefly, what does the software allow me to do? B1−05 How can I change the program that opens CCF files?Not compatible with RCEdit large screen files Not compatible with files from RC5000 Setup v2.0 or newerNot compatible with Touch Screen Setup large screen files Not compatible with ProntoProEdit filesAll Philips Pronto users See the above instructions for newer ProntoEdit filesAll Yamaha RAV−2000 users RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Onkyo Chad USR−5RF App v1.2 / Sys Section B2 Working With ProntoEdit Software & FirmwareB2−01 What are the current software versions? All Marantz RC5000 Models All Philips Pronto ModelsPhilips Pronto TSU2000 & ProntoPro TSU6000 Onkyo Chad USR−5RFWith RC5000 software B3−01 Where can I get a serial cable for the Pronto?Section B3 Working With ProntoEdit Remote Communications Virtual PC preferences WindowsB3−06 Why cant I get my computer to talk to the Pronto? B3−05 Can I hook the Pronto up to a USB port?Section B4 Working With ProntoEdit Learning & Infrared Now heres a somewhat dirty code. Notice the repetitionB4−03 What does 0000, 8000, etc. mean in a hex code? B4−02 Why wont my codes repeat when held down?B4−05 Why wont my buttons work twice in a row? This tip applies only to ProntoEdit v1.05 or older ProntoEdit v1.05 or earlier & RC5000 SetupProntoEdit v4.0 and newer B4−08 Why wont just tapping the button always work? B4−09 Test IR doesnt always work right. Why?B5−02 How do I find or create them? Section B5 Working With ProntoEdit Discrete CodesB5−01 What are discrete codes? B5−03 How can I use them?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ B6−02 What does CCF stand for? Section B6 Working With ProntoEdit Managing CCF FilesB6−01 What are CCF files? This tip applies only to ProntoEdit v2.0 or newerB6−06 Why cant I open the CCF file I downloaded? B6−07 How can I best merge CCF files?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section B7 Working With ProntoEdit Designing Layouts B7−05 How do I add plain text to panels? B7−06 Can I add more FONTs to the Pronto?B7−07 How can I group buttons together? B7−10 How do I define a custom grid? B7−11 What keyboard shortcuts are there? Section B8 Working With ProntoEdit Macros B8−05 Can I use more than one page jump in a macro? B8−06 Can I have delays shorter than 0.1 seconds?This tip does not apply to RC5000 Setup B8−10 How can I handle switching Video Inputs? B8−07 Can I change the default delay time from 0.1 seconds?B8−09 Why are some of my macro commands not being received? Section B9 Working With ProntoEdit Custom Bitmaps B9−05 How can I create a really large gallery file? B9−04 Why are my bitmaps/icons truncated?B9−03 Can I use transparent or animated bitmap files? RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ B10−02 What are aliases and how are they used? Section B10 Working With ProntoEdit Memory OptimizationB10−01 How can I optimize memory usage? B10−03 General ProntoEdit & RC5000 Setup Tips B10−04 What exactly does the CCF Optimizer utility do?RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Section B11 Working With ProntoEdit Other Functions RC Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ Exit ProntoEdit Section B12 Working With ProntoEdit Problem DiagnosisB12−01 Why do my RF codes not work? Mypron~1.ccf My Pronto Configuration.ccfB12−07 Im getting an error with MFC42.DLL. What can I do? My Pront.ccfB12−08 In ProntoEdit v2.0, why cant I edit hex codes? Developer=1This is no longer a problem with ProntoEdit v3.0 and newer Universalsize=960