A 128MB USB Memory Stick with at least 10MB free memory space will be suitable.
Note:During copying process, USB drive should not be removed to prevent any undersigned functionality of the TV.
Note:After completed, there are 2 files generated in the USB root directory - NVM_MTK_2K8_EU.BIN containing the general setting for example, Video/Audio, etc. and CH_MTK_2K8_EU.BIN containing the channel installation setting for example channel list, etc.
Note:All RC command and local keyboard will be disabled during copying process
Note: Normally, the first TV is manually configured/setup by the hotel installer, then all
the data are transferred/ cloned to USB drive through TV to Smart Loader, subsequently, others TVs can be updated by using same USB drive. This cloning feature prevent multi manually setup on all the TV sets, hence, speed up the hotel installation process.
Activation of this item will store PBS mode settings. The PBS mode setting will take effect after putting the set to standby.
Cloning system and configuration setttings, using USB or SerialXpress, is only supported in case of using equal televisions.
VIEWING ANGLE is the most convenient angle at which a display can be viewed with good visual performance
How a TV and panel are designed:
What to do if viewing angle is not good enough:
•Add tilt (vertical) or swivel (horizontal) to the TV, in order to position the TV in the most optimal situation.
•If the TV is placed above a certain height, it’s advised to always tilt the TV.
Philips has wall mounts with tilt for hotel TVs as optional accessories.
Philips is recommending to position the TV as mentioned above. Positioning the TV differently might have impact on the viewing angle. Philips is not responsible for reduced viewing experience due to wrong viewing angle if the TV is positioned differently then recommended.