■Power On: “Last Status”, “On”, “Standby”, “Forced On”. Default setting is “Standby”. When power to the TV is interrupted, this function sets the state that the TV will return to when power is restored.
•If set to Standby, the TV will always resume into Standby mode when power is restored (default setting).
•If set to Last Status, the TV will resume to the mode it was in when power was lost.
•If set to On, the TV will always
•If set to Forced On, the TV will
■SmartGuide Category: “SmartGuide”, “High Definition”, “Sports”, “News”, “Kids”, Movies”, Network”, “Adult/ Hospital”, “Lifestyle”, “Other/Education”
•If you choose yes, than you have the further ability to enable/disable the available individual categories: High Definition; Sports; News; Kids; Movies; Network; Adult/ Hospital*; Lifestyle; Other/Education*
*Categories are Hospital and Education for Healthcare TVs (“H” models) or Adult and Other for Hospitality TVs (“D”, “L”,“F” models)
•Default setting is “No”
■Clock Setup
•This feature allows the entering of TV channel number that will provide the date and clock information.This must be a digital channel containing an STT table (almost all digital channels do.)
■Factory Default will reset the factory
•There is no confirmation request - if you press right arrow here, all programming is immediately and irrevocably reset to default values.
This section enables the cloning of TV settings via USB, RF.
■Source: “RF”, “USB” – This function selects the Source from which the Clone data will be received. To receive data over RF requires an additional piece of equipment (PSG) installed in the property head end to transmit the data to the TVs. Contact your Philips sales associate for more information.