12 Preferences
This menu allows you to select your preferred language or to make changes to the location (country and time zone).
From the digital mode, press the key to display the setup menu.
Use the ï key to select Preferences and press Æ key.
Setup | 11:28 |
Preferences |
Language | Audio |
Location | Subtitle / Teletext |
| Subtitling Mode |
| Subtitling for hearing impaired |
| System |
Select your preferred language
Select Language or Location (ï) and press Æ key.
Use the Î ï keys to select a setting and press Æ key to enter into the sub- menu. Make your adjustment and press key or Í key to exit.
To return to previous menu, press the
Press the key to exit the menu.
Language default settings
•Audio : to select the audio sound language.
•Subtitle/Teletext : to select the subtitle/teletext language.
•Subtitling mode : off, on or auto (subtitle only displayed in case of original audio transmission).
•Subtitles for hearing impaired : to activate or deactivate the specific subtitling for hearing impaired (if made available by the broadcaster).
•System : to select the menu language.
If you have selected the wrong language for one reason or another and do not understand the selected language to operate the set, do the following to bring you back to your preferred language.
•Press the key to exit menu from screen.
•Press the key again to display menu.
•Press the key to select the second item on the menu and the key to enter into the next menu level.
•Press the key to again and use the key to select the fifth menu item.
•Press the key to enter into the next menu level.
•Press the Î ï keys to select correct language.
•Press the key to confirm selection.
•Press the key to exit menu from screen.
Location settings
•Country : to select the country where you are located.
If you select a wrong country, the channel numbering will not be according to the standard for your country and you may not receive all services or nothing at all. Note that the Language can be selected independently from the Country.
•Time zone : to select the time zone where you are located.