AudioControl DQX manual Xover Mid/Hi=3.55k PFM=30 Lo/Mid=90

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The Strength of Digital

MODE : Xover

Xover Mid/Hi=3.55k

PFM=30 Lo/Mid=90

Figure 10: Xover screen

In the Xover mode, the display shows the current crossover and subsonic filter frequency settings. These are the points where the subwoofer output begins, where the subwoofer/midrange meet and where the midrange/highpass outputs crossover. Using the “Left” and “Right” arrows you can scroll between the settings below. Then use the up and down buttons to adjust.

PFM - The Programmable Frequency Match (PFM) is a high pass filter that serves as a 24 dB/ octave subsonic filter for your system. Typically you will want to set this at the absolute bottom end or tuning frequency of your system

Lo/Mid - This is the point where your subwoofer rolls off and your midbass or midrange speakers begin to play.

Mid/Hi - This is a low pass filter that selects the setting where your high output begins to play.

MODE : Memories

Memories Recall#7 Save

Figure 11: Memory recall screen

This screen allows you to save or recall settings from or to one of the eight memory locations. Using the Left and Right arrows will cause the cursor to highlight one of the following func- tions:

Recall: When the cursor is flashing next to this word, you have the ability to recall one of the eight memories. Push the “+” or “-” buttons to scroll through the memories. All of the equaliza- tion and crossover settings are stored in each memory.

Figure 10: Crossover Response Curve Owner’s Enjoyment Manual


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Contents Digital AudioControl Strength of Digital AudioControl Introduction KEY Features of the DQXFeatures and Highlights Strength of Digital Quick Installation Information Basic DQX System Guided Tour of DQX ❷ ❸ ❹ ➒ ➓ Placement & Mounting of your DQX Installing the DQXDQX Audio Wiring DQX with a FOUR.1 Level Matching DQX Menu Screens Graphic EQ Freq = 1kHz L= +6dB o R =+4dB Para EQ1 Freq=3.15k Width=1/6 LVL=+12dB Xover Mid/Hi=3.55k PFM=30 Lo/Mid=90 Memories Recall Save #5 Adjusting the EqualizerSample RTA curve Troubleshooting Under the Cover If YOU Like DQX, YOU’LL LOVE… WarrantyLegalese Section DQX Specifications OwnTher’sStrengthEnjoymentof DigitalManualtm Owner’sTheStrengthE joymentof DigitalManual