Additional Safety for English Wheels
METAL EDGES. I]Zh]VgeZY\Zhd[h]ZZibZiVa | TOOL INSPECTION. Jh^c\ i]Z :c\a^h] l]ZZa | |
XVcfj^X`anXjindjg[^c\Zghdg]VcYh#6alVnhlZVg | l^i] ZmXZhh^kZan ldgc dg YVbV\ZY eVgih XdjaY | |
]ZVknaZVi]Zg\adkZhl]Zc]VcYa^c\h]ZZibZiVa# | XVjhZi]Ziddaid[V^aVcYegZhZci^c_jgn]VoVgYh! | |
6alVnh X]Vb[Zg VcY YZWjgg h]Vge bZiVa ZY\Zh | VhlZaaVhn^ZaYeddggZhjaih#6alVnh^cheZXiZVX] | |
WZ[dgZ^chZgi^c\i]Zb^cidi]Z:c\a^h]l]ZZa# | eVgid[i]Z:c\a^h]l]ZZaWZ[dgZWZ\^cc^c\deZgV" | |
PINCHING HAZARD. I]Z gdaa^c\ bdbZcijb d[ | i^dch# | |
TOOL USAGE.I]^h:c\a^h]l]ZZalVhYZh^\cZY | ||
i]Z l]ZZah XVc ejaa ndjg [^c\Zgh WZilZZc i]Zb | ||
gZhjai^c\ ^c e^cX]^c\ ^c_jg^Zh# 6alVnh `ZZe ndjg | dcanid[dgbXjgkZh^ch]ZZibZiVabViZg^VahjX] | |
]VcYhVlVn[gdbi]Zl]ZZaeVi]l]Zcbdk^c\i]Z | VhhiZZadgVajb^cjb#9dcdiViiZbeiidegdXZhh | |
ldg`e^ZXZi]gdj\]i]Zl]ZZah# | Vcn di]Zg bViZg^Va Z#\#! \aVhh! XZgVb^X! eaVhi^X! | |
CRUSHING HAZARD. >[ i]Z ]ZVkn l]ZZah dg | ZiX#i]ViXdjaYgZhjai^cbViZg^VadgiddaWgZV`V\Z# | |
9d cdi bdY^[n i]^h idda ^c Vcn lVn VcY Yd cdi | ||
[gVbZ h]djaY jcZmeZXiZYan [Vaa! Xgjh]^c\ ^c_jg^Zh | ZmXZZYi]ZXVeVX^ind[&+\Vj\Zh]ZZibZiVa# | |
XdjaY gZhjai# 6alVnh bV`Z hjgZ i]Z [gVbZ ^h | BODY POSITION. Adh^c\ ndjg WVaVcXZ l]^aZ | |
[^gbanhZXjgZYidVWZcX]"bdjciZYk^hZi]ViXVc | ||
egdeZganhjeedgii]ZlZ^\]iVcYegZhhjgZhd[i]Z | igVX`^c\ XdjaY gZhjai ^c ^beVXi ^c_jg^Zh dg aVXZgV" | |
deZgVi^dc# BV`Z hjgZ i]Z l]ZZah VgZ egdeZgan | i^dc^c_jg^Zh[gdbi]Zh]ZZibZiVa#BV`ZhjgZndjg | |
^chiVaaZYdci]ZhjeedgiWgVX`ZihdghidgV\ZgVX`# | WdYnVcY[ddi^c\VgZWVaVcXZYVcY^cV\ddYedh^" | |
LZVghiZZa"idZYWddih# | i^dc id hjeedgi ndjg bdkZbZci VcY bdbZcijb | |
| l]^aZigVX`^c\# |
Like all machinery there is potential danger when operating this machine. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use this machine with respect and caution to decrease the risk of operator injury. If normal safety pre- cautions are overlooked or ignored, seri- ous personal injury may occur.
No list of safety guidelines can be com- plete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury, damage to equip- ment, or poor work results.
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